Chapter 5:

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I have to admit I pre wrote these first six chapters, chapter six is coming after I have posted this! :) If you like my story so far share it. This is my first so be gentle with me- ;) -but I would really like to know what you think so comment your thoughts! 

Happy reading readers, I hope you enjoy.




Chapter 5:

When I opened my eyes I saw the strangest sight. I was expecting to wake up in the truck, hopefully near a town or in a town and make a getaway. That hadn’t happened. There were bright lights shinning in my face. I squinted. I looked around the room I was in. A hospital. The white stark walls and disenfectant smell definitely belonged to a hospital. I found a young man, maybe twenty, in a working suit was sitting in the chair in the corner of the room. He was slumped forward as if in prayer. Had he got the wrong room? I definitely had never met this person before.

I found my mouth was starched and I couldn’t speak so I tried to reach for my water but found I had little strength. I could barely left it for a few seconds at one time. The movement startled the man. He lifted his head and I got my first good look at him. His eyes were a soft brown that had instantly comforted me. His hair was shaggy and stubble dotted his chin. He smiled warmly. I found his smile contagious and smiled back shakily.

“Hi, I’m Tray.” He introduced himself. “Do you want me to get you that?” He was pointing to the water on the bedside table. I found my voice was dry and my throat scratchy, so I simply nodded and he came to my bedside to hand it to me. He must have realised my little strength because he put it up to my mouth, holding it while I took a sip. Now I had my voice back I had my mind set to find the reason to why he was here.

“Why are you here?” I questioned quietly. I knew I wouldn’t need to keep up my brave façade in front of a person I wasn’t going to see again.

“Well, I found you in the back of my truck yesterday. You were past out and bleeding a lot so I brung you here. I wanted to make sure you were okay” He explained. I rolled my head to face the wall ashamed.

“I’m really sorry for causing you trouble.” I apologized. “It’s okay.” He hesitated then added “Who are you and how did you get that bad gash on your leg?”

“My name’s Samantha.” I didn’t know how to explain my gash on my leg. My mind searched for an excuse. I decided I couldn’t tell him the truth at all. He would insist on calling the police and then my mother would find me.  I couldn’t at all come up with a plausible excuse so I said nothing, praying he will pity me and quit asking questions. To my dismay, he continues.

Understanding I had avoided the question though he takes a different approach on the fragile subject. “Where are your parents? Where are you from?” He enquired.

I can’t handle the questions he asks. They mean so much and now I fully fathom my future. I have no where to go, no one to go to. I am all alone. Silent tears stream down my face and we lock gazes. Goosebumps formed on my arms. There was something about him that awakened me and intensified whatever feelings I had. Something about him that made me want to confide in him. I pushed this all away though knowing he would tell my secrets to the police and mother would get to me. I had a chance to get away from her forever and I needed to take it.

  I refused to answer the question. I silently shook my head and restrained from confessing. Tear stained my cheek and I closed my eyes embarrassed and hoping he would walk away and not come back. I didn’t want to drag him down with the baggage I held.

I felt the bed sink on my left and opened my eyes. He was close enough that I could feel warmth rolling off him in waves and a minty smelling cologne he was wearing.  The warmth relaxed me. He was staring at me with a confused expression.

“Do you have anywhere to stay?” He asked boldly.


“Would you… you like…” He stuttered nervously. “Would you like to stay at my apartment? I have a spare room.” He requests.

I hesitated and he sees it.

“It’s just me so no one else will question you and it can only be a few days, although you are free to stay as long as needed.”

This surprised me. Never have I had such kindness directed at me nor did I know such existed. Stunned to silence I nodded. How could I have turned down an offer like that? I have no money to buy a hotel room and no money for food. Anyway, it would be only for a few days.

He smiled great. He moved towards the door and I felt every inch of distance between us and hated it. I scolded myself for feeling this. I didn’t need to develop feelings for anyone I was going to lose eventually. This only reminded me of Evan.

“Well…” He says checking the clock above my bed. “I gotta’ go, I have a meeting in ten. I’ll be back later though. Doctor says you can check out tonight if someone keeps a watchful eye on you. See you.” And with that he was off.

The rest of the day consisted of nurses checking up on me, sleeping and eating the tasteless hospital food for a lonely lunch and dinner.

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