Angels and Demons AU {2}

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This side story will be told from Hana's point of view with the occasional change in POV.


When a child reaches the age of four, that's when their identities are chosen

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When a child reaches the age of four, that's when their identities are chosen. Those who are chosen as angels are usually the purest bunch. The rejects become demons.

I was born to two angel parents alongside with my brother. What shock it must have been when they realized their two children were demons.

I remembered when they did the test, I believe my parents were only expecting Taehyung to be a demon while I was supposed to their angel.

How wrong of them to assume such a thing.

There were many scenarios that tested our skills. Taehyung always chose the obvious demonic path. I, on the other hand, thought it through. I knew which ones who make me an angel but lord behold, I'm quite the little she devil. There was no way I would cheat the system just to please them. They were horrible yet they were angels to those around them.

Two angels having demons for children, now that's unheard of. Surely they could still love their children.

That's a load of crap.

They didn't spare a second glance once our powers revealed itself and test results were out. We were the highest scoring children out of the batch.

"Demons, did you heard about the facts that two high level angels gave birth to a pair of demons?"

I knew that we were going to be sent to the demon kingdom. That's where demons belong.

Any children without actual demon parents just ended up on the streets or in a orphanage.

Well, the orphanage was shit. So we left a month after we got there.

You must be thinking A pair of four year olds alone on the streets. Well, I was more mature and developed compared to my blood lust driven brother.

Girls always are faster than boys in those type of things.

However, I somehow walked us in the direction of the castle where the two demon kings resided.

Call it dumb luck if you must, but we both managed to open the front gate and pass through the garden which seemed quiet.

"Hey you little brats shouldn't be in here."

Little brats?!

It wasn't so after that demon was golfed in blue flames. I watched as his screams only got louder and louder.


Taehyung decided to throw a rock at him; silencing him for good.

Only then, we noticed the two tall men standing by the doors of the castle.

"Chen, don't you think they're wonderful children. So much potential and they also have the royal demon blue flames."

"Baekhyun, don't you think we should interrogate them first? Where are your parents?"

That's a topic that pissed me off greatly, "Those worthless beings are long gone."

The one who was called Chen smirked while reaching his hand out, "Well then, we're your new parents now."

It was a couple of years after that our youngest brother Dylan ended up joining us. Our parents gave birth to another demon, naming him David in hopes of him being an angel. What good did that do them.

Not only were they degraded by other angels but we were waiting right by the demon kingdom gates for him. I saw our parents again for the first time after years. Come to think about it, I believe I asked Dylan what his name was.

David couldn't be a stupider name for a powerful demon. Give it to an angel instead.

"Listen from now on, your name is Dylan."

Chen and Baekhyun raises us as their own children since they didn't have any.

We were their children not children of some lousy angels who threw us away as soon as they could out about us beings demons instead.

It was peaceful as it could get for a demon for the followings twenty years.

Until reports of an angel coming to the demon kingdom was revealed.

And it happened to be none other than Sehun, the Third Prince.

Also known as:

The Bloody Angel.



I feel like you guys have a lot of questions for me about this book.

So I'll answer some of them.

Just leave your question in the comment section.

I'll be reading the comments you write and you just might get a response.


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