Chasing Cars

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The sound of the ambulance leaving the scene, the bystanders who happened to see the accident. Everyone was in shock. Hana was a well known figure to the Korean audience. The car that had crashed into the van had speeded away from the scene. It was clear that it was intentional.

Everyone's phones started ringing. Minhyun was at school when his phone rang, causing him to run out of class before briefly explaining to his teacher. Jaehyun received a call during his meeting.

Their mother had broken a glass at the restaurant right and Hyungseok had broken the ring that Hana had gotten him the same day before the phone call came in. Soul Restaurant immediately closed for the day. Their father sand grandfather were both enjoying their afternoon chess game when their secretaries informed them of what was happening.

Cars were dispatched to Minhyun's school, Dylan's apartment,  the family company, and Soul Restaurant. They all rushed to the hospital.

Sweet Chaos had just occurred.

Hana was bleeding profusely. Her manager had managed to substained superficial and minor injuries. Hana had taken the worst part of it.

Hana barely could make out the fact that her manager was mumbling that it wasn't his fault. She needed to stay alive not only for her sake but others as well. She needed to fight.

"Oh my god, Joohyun-ah!"

A familiar face came into her vision, "Unnie"

"Control the bleeding quickly and find Doctor Park."

The resident didn't understand why she couldn't do the operation.
Doctor Lee noticed his questioning stare, "She's family. I can't operate on family."

With Hana being rushed to the operation room, the family was in chaos. JND Industries tried to block out any kind of news relating to Hana's accident Since the family didn't want anything to be leaked.

To most she was Kim Hana but to her family her name was Kim Joohyun. A person that even the public didn't know about. Everything was supposed to remind a secret. But they were like hawks and wanted to use anything to make some sort of gain and profit from their family. The staff who leaked the news about Dylan and Hana being apart of a chaebol family was fired; anyone who wanted to gain something from associating or bringing scandals to the Kim Family was a parasite.

With the car crash, the family was finally going to take action. They needed to make sure that news about Hana being at the hospital didn't make headlines. The family secretary arrived right after the ambulance, he took action by registering Hana under her Korean name. He made sure that anyone that came in contact with Hana was to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Hana was in the operation room when all the family arrived.

No one had ever seen the whole family together. All of them were surrounded by bodyguards. The Kim family was a very powerful family but no one really knew what most of the family members looked like expect for Dylan, Hana, and Jaehyun. As they were mysterious, Dylan didn't want to alert the press with his appearance, so he uploaded a picture of him at Han River to cause a diversion. People in the hospital just saw a group of people heading to the VIP part of the hospital.

However, no one knew who was that person was. Doctor Lee had prohibited unnecessary staff from entering the VIP lounge.

Hana's manager was waiting for any results about Hana with her family secretary. His head was down and he couldn't look anyone in the eyes. The family had been informed about what had occurred as the secretary informed them whiling they were driving. When the whole family arrived, Minhyun pulled away from the group.

Minhyun threw a punch at her manager. Although, others wanted to beat the manager up, they controlled themselves but Minhyun was still a child, and he had the worst temper out of all of them.

"Minhyun, stop it. Stop it."

Minhyun didn't care about people from JYP or what trouble he would get into, all he knew was that his sister was hurt as a result of that imbecile. For that reason, he was willing to destroy the person in front of him.

"Hyungseok, how can I stop when it's because of him that we're all here."

Minhyun never hated anyone more in his life. Due to the idiocy of that manager, his only sister was fighting for her life. All of them were pissed at the manager. Jaehyun was waiting for the police officers to arrive while Dylan was trying to get a hold of Chanyeol. Hyungseok didn't let go of Minhyun in fear of him attacking the manager again.

"Just so you know, you're going to be fired. We'll make sure of that."

The words that Minhyun had said was all of their thoughts. This man wasn't paying attention which was a factor of the accident. They also wanted the bastard who crashed and fled the scene to get into custody. They didn't deserve anymore chances. Chanyeol soon arrived at the hospital, his eyes were red and his appearance was a mess.


Chanyeol pulled Dylan into a hug, silently crying into his arms.

"She'll be fine, hyung. Hana noona is a fighter. Don't worry."

Hana wanted to fight for her life but she finally felt free from others' eyes and at peace. She'll just wanted to rest. A few of her friends had earlier this year, she just wanted to meet with them again.

Her heart stopped while in the operating room.

Their mom suddenly felt a part of her fill with dread. Something had occurred to Hana inside the operating room; her mother instincts told her.

"Jiyeon, please go inside and check on Hana."

Jiyeon couldn't just go inside the operating room. Jaehyun heard what his mother had to his wife.

"Mother,  Jiyeon is a doctor here but please don't ask her to do such things."

It was a long time before the doctor came out of the operating room. as he walked to them; everyone was anxious to know the results of Hana's operation. Hana had to be alright.

"Doctor Park, how is my granddaughter?"

"Hana is in stable condition now. Her heart did stop during surgery but she is stable now. May I speak with her husband?"

Chanyeol didn't know why the doctor wanted to speak with him in particular.  However, Soyoung saw the face that Doctor Park had. Although Hana was fine something else had occurred.

"I am sorry. I tried to save both Hana and her baby. She sadly lost her baby due to the accident."

No one could believe the words that the doctor said. Hana had lost her baby; the one thing that would have completed her dream of a family. Chanyeol couldn't believe that Hana was carrying their unborn child when the accident occurred. Tears just flowed out.

"How far along was she?" Chanyeol's voice shook.

"She was 9 weeks pregnant."

9 weeks......that's how long their child had been apart of their lives without knowing. Their child wouldn't never get to meet his or her parents. They would never get loved by them and their family. Although he was hurting now, he knew that Hana would be devastated. Chanyeol knew that Hana would have told him the day she found out she was pregnant, so he knew that these news would hurt her even more. She would only blame herself.

"May I go see her?"

Chanyeol was led to the room Hana was in. All the machines and wires around her just seem like a nightmare but it was reality. He pulled up a chair next to Hana's bedside. Chanyeol couldn't help but grab her hand.

Teardrops fell on her hand, "Hana please wake up soon okay. I miss your smile."

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