It's Started

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  • Dedicated to The Cookie Bribe

“So, it’s started then,” River said, watching her enigmatic husband frown at the screen in the TARDIS console, with folded arms and a matching frown.

“Yep,” the Doctor said distractedly.



She walked up next to him and pulled him to face her. “What. Are. We. Going. To. Do. Doctor?”

The Doctor shrugged. “Improvise.”

“Improvise,” she repeated doubtfully. Then she smiled. “Oh, sweetie, it’s always fun with you.”

He grinned back. “I know.” Then he looked back to his screen with that frown on his face. “I just wish I knew what this meant.”

River shrugged. “Maybe we should go find out.”

The Doctor smiled. “Sherlock again?”

“He’s very cute.” River said with a hint of lust.

The Doctor’s frown shifted to a less serious one. “Oh no. Don’t do that. Sherlock’s not mentally prepared for you.”

She grinned. “How would you know?”

He leant over near her. “Because not even I’m mentally prepared for you.”

She grinned and kissed him “So says you.”

He nodded as he pulled away. “So says me.”

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