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John hesitated, torn between the desire to hear what the strange man’s case was – for surely, coming to Sherlock, the man had a case- and going to see Mycroft. Unfortunately, Mycroft was not someone who could easily be ignored.

“Excuse me,” John said, walking around the man, noticing a woman with pale frizzy hair standing behind him.

“Come in,” Sherlock called. The man exchanged a look with the woman behind him, and entered the room.

John sighed and made his way downstairs, outside to where, once again, a car was waiting for him. John reluctantly entered.

Once again he was greeted by a beautiful secretary, who practically ignored him for the whole trip. He didn’t even bother trying to flirt with her this time. He couldn’t see out the window so he closed his eyes and wondered what on earth Mycroft would want with him this time.

Sherlock watched the two enter the room. He let his eyes quickly take in new evidence. No rings, but they had a sort of orientation around each other that suggested to Sherlock a long relationship. He looked over the woman. She looked older than then the man. Her eyes cased the room, searching for exit points, or hidden enemies, informing Sherlock that she had, at one stage, gotten proper training. Army training. Or at least some sort of special training. The man, however, seemed to be absolutely oblivious, suggesting to Sherlock some sort of diplomat, or scientist - someone who had been to a foreign land recently, judging from the way he was distracted by small, everyday things. But there was intelligence in those eyes. He looked at their hands. The man was clearly unused to hard work, but there was dirt and mud on his hands, which related back to the scientist theme. The woman, once again, was the opposite. Her hands were weathered, and Sherlock could see signs of physical labor. Sherlock frowned.

“Well?” he asked. 

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