It's been a long time since the first ending of Tanaka-Kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge. It's given a lot of time for things to happen, but for Tanaka, nothing happened. It's been surprisingly listless. He's just been hanging out with his friends. He hasn't really learned much, he hasn't made any new friends, very few misadventures, hasn't fallen in love. But, since nothing's been happening, it's made him very happy. Y'know, this might seem random, but y'know how I said Tanaka hasn't fallen in love. Well, that was actually a lie. He's been in love with listlessness for his whole entire life. But, listlessness has sadly gotten the better of him. Listlessness has noticed Tanaka's affection for them, but listlessness is a little twisted. Over time, they've raised Tanaka's hopes for getting to have a better bond with them. Listlessness is actually a little sadistic, they never stop teasing mankind into thinking they have a break. It can be something as big as a worldwide plague that causes thousands of people to die to only leave a few survivors left to repopulate, and that makes the survivors feel hope because they were so lucky to have still been alive. But, then listlessness decides it'd be neat to call up despair to make another plague. Or, it could be a listless boy who goes to high school and has an eventful time to then be rewarded with a break of listlessness and thinks he'll get to live with that humble listlessness for the rest of his life. But, then more events hit him like a bus filled with elephants that get thrown right onto his back, and they're even more chaotic than the previous events. But, y'know, the more listless wrath of listlessness tends to happen more frequently than listlessness going hardcore: how befitting. Anyway, that's the prologue for ya.

Tanaka-Kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge Continued?
FanfictionHello there, you're probably thinking, "What the heck are you doing!" Well, y'know how TKWIK ended on episode twelve? Well, I'm continuing onto it! You could say this is like a second season of sorts, I guess. Anyway, I thought the series ended too...