Just before we get into the actual story/fan fiction/whatever, I just need to tell you guys that I spent over thirty minutes making that Katatsumuri picture you see right above you! Can you tell that I'm not mentally okay?! Anyway, off to the good koosh.
Ohta: Hey, so what does the slug we're looking for look like?
Apple: Oh, it's easily recognizable! It's bright-blue, so you should have no problems in finding it!
Ohta: Got it.
Apple: Oh, and you should probably give me your number for updates in the search and whatnot.
Ohta: Okay.
Tanaka: (I'm sad about still not having the opportunity to take a nap, but it's for a slug. So, I'm a little more open into putting some more effort into not being listless today. Anyway, the main reason why I know about them anyway's because of Katatsumuri. I've been looking into getting a slug or a snail; slugs are like dogs to listless people. And snails are like cats. And more people like dogs more than cats, including myself. So, hopefully I'll be the one to find her. Although, I'll probably become attached to her. But I'm sure Ohta will try to detach me from her, so I should be fine.) ...
Apple: Okay, we should split up!
Kenrou: How far can a slug even be?
Apple: I don't know, but life will probably just kick us in the face and make her be a mile away or something really stupid! So, let's split up just to be safe!
Tanaka: It still can't be that hard, though.
Honohko: That's what everyone says before they get jinxed!
Ameko: He's still right. It's a bright-blue slug. It can barely move, and it's appearance is conspicuous. You'd actually have to be blind to screw something that easy up.
Honohko: Still, that's what everyone says before they get jinxed!
Ameko: Whatever, I'm tired of listening to your hysteria.
Honohko: And I'm tired of listening to you not even speaking in any known language! What are you even talking about?!
Ameko: Huuuh...Katatsumuri's easy to find for a lot of reasons!
Honohko: Thank you!
Ameko: You're welcome!
Apple: Stop dilly dallying you two! Honohko, you're coming with me! Ameko, you're tagging along with Kenrou and Unichi! Ohta and Tanaka, I'm sure you know what I'm going to say to you two! Come on, make some magic happen, will ya?!
Ohta: (More evidence pointing towards split personalities...) Yes ma'am.
Apple: Okay, Ameko, Kenrou, and Unichi, you guys look towards the south end and the west end of the neighborhood, since you guys have more people! Ohta and Tanaka, you guys look towards the east end! And for me and Honohko, we'll be looking towards the north end! Got it?!
Everyone: Yes ma'am.
Apple: Good! Now let's get a move on!
Everyone started to look in their assigned locations with irritation, except for Apple and Tanaka.
Apple: (Keehee...I'm a genius! The east end's totally where she'd be, since it's the closest to the house! And not only that, that'll ensure that she meets him! Damn I'm good!)
She: (Hopefully Katatsumuri doesn't go too far. I told her to go a certain distance, I have faith in her. Apple must be so distracted with this whole situation to the point where it's impossible for her to feel bad. I guess what I'm doing's a little cruel, but it's also really generous. This situation really showcases a perfect example of Yin and Yang. She's so predictable, yet unpredictable at the same time. But in the end, I'm so incredibly bored of everything that she's enough to satisfy me. She's probably the best thing to have ever happened to me. She isn't too much, but she isn't too little. She's perfect for me, but I'm sure I'll never get what I've truly been desiring of her. To have her warmth with me, forever, and ever, and ever. Even once we go back to where we originally were not too long ago, which wasn't that long ago, at all. But for her, it'd feel like eons. Ironic how that works for people. Huuh...my sweet, pure, delightful, vibrant, entertaining Apple. But y'know, I guess I should atone for my cruelty by getting out of bed. Although, I really should be asleep. Whatever, I'll deal with the consequences; it'll spice things up if I do.)

Tanaka-Kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge Continued?
FanficHello there, you're probably thinking, "What the heck are you doing!" Well, y'know how TKWIK ended on episode twelve? Well, I'm continuing onto it! You could say this is like a second season of sorts, I guess. Anyway, I thought the series ended too...