I Just Wanted To Take A Nap.

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Ohta: Tanaka...

Tanaka: .....

Ohta: It'll be alright.

Tanaka: .........

Ohta: Come on, it'll be our last year with high school. After we graduate you have more opportunities to be as listless as you can!

Tanaka: Hmmm, I've always hated the last day of summer vacation. They're never long enough. Y'know, in the U.S. they have three months of summer vacation.

Ohta: It's just one more year, Tanaka.

Tanaka: Yeah, I know that, but...

Ohta: But what?

Tanaka: Have you heard the news?

Ohta: (Wait, he actually updated himself with news? It must be something important.) - - What news?

Tanaka: People are saying that some celebrity teenagers are gonna be coming to our school.

Ohta: (Oh yeah, those kids; they're the new fad. The Crew of Misfits: they're renowned for their incredible talent for their ages. About every single song you hear nowadays is from them, and they're really good. They make all their songs without the help of any big company, and yet, they're some of the best songs you'll ever hear in your life. The vocalists have a wide range, so there's not that many of them. That not only sparks attention, but it's also cheap. They've basically made their own private business out of each other. And most of their songs talk about unique topics and they produce music of every genre, so you can't help yourself to be interested in them and their songs. They're also interesting people. It's almost like they're just characters in a dream thrown into the real world. And they're all just teenagers.) - - The Crew of Misfits?

Tanaka: Yes.

Ohta: Oh, I'm sure that's just meaningless gossip.

Tanaka: Yeah, but they're somewhere hidden in this town.

Ohta: That's true, but they're A-list celebrities. They'd probably get homeschooled, or knowing them, just not go to school at all.

Tanaka: You're probably right. Thanks.

Ohta: You're welcome. Huuuh.....come on, let's get you home.

Tanaka: Okay.

- - The next day - -

Ohta: Aww jeesh, please don't let us be late on our first day of school!

Tanaka: Ohta, I'm nervous.

Ohta: Wait, we might make it!

Tanaka: .....

Ohta: HAAAA!!!

- -  Skidded into classroom - -

Ohta: What time is it?

Shiraishi: 8:29

Ohta: Yes.

Tanaka: ...nap time...

Ohta started to hear loud banter in the classroom and outside, it annoyed him. It was so obnoxiously loud, he had to know the reason for such a loud, obnoxious ruckus.

Ohta: What's everyone talking about? Why would everyone need to be so loud? You guys are actually lose your voices if you keep this up!

Tanaka: ...my nap time...

Ohta: See, even Tanaka can't go to sleep! What's wrong with you people? Have you all lost your minds?

Katou: You don't understand!

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