Délicieux (ShuuNeki\TsukiyamaxKaneki)

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This A:N is for senpai, so you readers (if there are any) don't have to read it... (As for the people who requested, I'll try getting to your requests as soon as possible! Thanks for your patience...) 

Alright Yunacchi: 1... 2... 3... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! : "Otanjoubi omedetou, mademoiselle." (I DESERVE A SLAP FOR THAT!) Anyways, I had intended to write a SakuraixReader instead of this but no ideas came to mind ;-; (NO KIDDING! *slapped*) and since we have been talking about Tokyo Ghoul (more specifically, TSUKIYAMA, TSUKIYAMA, TSUKIYAMA, and sneak in a lil of Kaneki there...) I thought why not write this... though the idea/concept of this is not mine but belongs to a wonderful tumblr user whos name I will fish out later cause it's totally rude to use their idea without crediting... [UPDATE: their username is homumeido] though I hope they don't read this cause this fic sucks ;-; BIG TIME. (Look at the side pic though....) I even added some information I made up in there... *sigh* I swayed off topic too....

WARNINGS: OCC F̶r̶e̶n̶c̶h̶ ̶G̶e̶n̶t̶l̶e̶m̶a̶n̶ Tsukiyama, OOC kaneki ;-; OOC EVERYTHING! And errr, I tried to write hints of lemon in there, but my embarrassment took the better of me and I foreshadowed everything in a way so it's up to your imagination.... 

Oh and, anything in Italics is Kaneki's thoughts XD

K', hope you're having an amazing BDAY and I hope you enjoy this QAQ  (So embarrassed that she can't bring herself to proofread...)

---------------------------------ON TO THE FREAKIN FIC---------------------------------

A book can take one’s mind astray, if even for a little while, and yet, it wasn’t working this time round. 

“Two weeks…” Kaneki muttered under his breath absentmindedly before gasping. He clicked his tongue, opening and closing the book in his hands. It was useless. He couldn’t take his mind off Tsukiyama.

He scowled, resting his cheek on his hand. He’d never expected to be so wind up over Tsukiyama’s absence. But, he couldn’t blame himself for it, because for all he cared, it was suspicious. Tsukiyama always went on about wanting to live under the same roof, using every opportunity he could to get close to Kaneki, and yet he’d surprisingly held himself in check these past two weeks.

Normally, Kaneki wouldn’t have thought much of it. Rather, it was highly convenient. However, the subtle hints of bore Tsukiyama had left behind every now and then put him on edge. He wasn’t over thinking it, nor could he pass it off as an act by Tsukiyama to stir him up. Heck, he could read the guy like an open book, but as to what his intentions are this time, he had no idea.

The hints he’d been given weren’t much, but Kaneki was smart, two hints were enough for him to deduce what everything meant. Tsukiyama had grown bored. Bored of him. 

Growing bored or not though, did he really have to avoid Kaneki all together? Be it passing on Data or the like, he’d just give them to Banjou or pass them through the door, not bothering to say hello or goodbye – not that Kaneki cared either way, or at least that’s what he’d been telling himself.

Kaneki saw it; Tsukiyama had grown an interest in an employee at the nearby bookstore. He didn’t mean to, he just happened to take notice of it while strolling around aimlessly. She was surprisingly plain for Tsukiyama’s tastes, and yet, he seemed to be fond of her. A little too fond. And knowing his sick tendencies, Kaneki knew whatever fate he had in store for the girl wasn’t going to be pretty.

A sigh escaped his lips. Tsukiyama had grown tired of the idea of eating him, he could tell, using what he’d overhead him telling Hinami as proof, “I’ve come to realize, rareness does not define one’s quality – rather, it’s sometimes the things we tend to overlook, the ones that are always available, that have the best quality.” Kaneki would’ve probably passed that off as an uncharacteristic fluke of Tsukiyama’s, but he couldn’t. Not with how Tsukiyama seemed convinced of his own words.

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