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Drayven had black spots forming, he barely registered Kiran was already there. She slowly kneeled before Drayven with a look of confusion. The figure shook his head and looked at the four Elementals with a sudden distaste and hatred in his attitude. He suddenly zoomed forward, making a large slash with his hands. Kiran turned towards the figure and held up a hand, a sudden boom of light was seen, the figure blasting back a few feet from the blow back.

Kiran held up a hand, a pure white sword forming in her hands, the figure turned towards Kiran with a look of malice. The figure zoomed forward, making dozens of slashes towards the elemental of light, she retaliated, blocking all the strikes, light meeting shadow in an overwhelming display of power. The figure back flipped out of the way, avoiding a sudden slash of white.

Percy woke up groggily, the sounds of battle and the clash of multiple powers was felt. Percy widened his eyes, ignoring the flaring pain that was coursing through his body, Percy could see two presences, one was the figure, the other was a girl that radiated a white light. Percy slowly turned towards Drayven who was trying his best not to pass out. Percy dragged his body over to the elemental of darkness.

"Who is that?" Percy asked.

"Kiran, elemental of light." Drayven said, mumbling out the words. Percy nodded turning towards the sound of battle, the fight taking place. Kiran made multiple slashes, white light filling the area. The figure barely had enough time to react, dodging the slashes by mere millimeters. The figure disappeared in a puff of black smoke, Kiran smirked, extending a hand, the whole figure suddenly lighting up in white light.

The figure dropped to the ground with a thud, the whole area filling with light, the figure glared, shadows suddenly taking up twenty five percent of the battle ground. Kiran turned towards the figure who was currently approaching her in a very fast speed. She made a large slash with her sword, the figure suddenly disappeared in smoke, reappearing behind the light elemental in almost an instant.

Kiran turned, a look of horror in her face, the figure smirked, raising its fist for a slash. Kiran smirked, her trap worked, she snapped her fingers, white orbs forming behind her. The orbs suddenly exploded in light, blasting the figure back into dozens of trees, breaking multiple trees on the way. Kiran raised her sword, light filling the area, she made a large slash, the light following the swords movement.

The figure shook his head, turning towards the bright light, the figure widened its eyes, a large slash of white approaching him at a fast space, he raised his hands, a blur of shadows forming a sort of barrier, blocking the large slash. The figure widened its eyes, struggling against the sudden force of the attack. He eventually had to dodge, avoiding the slash barely, the shadows protecting him from instant death.

The figure turned towards Kiran who was holding her sword in a defensive manner. The figure jumped skywards, making a large slash towards the three injured Elementals, the figure suddenly appeared behind Kiran, coiling his fists and launching it words the elemental. The figure made an ultimatum for the elements of light, save herself, or save the trio. Kiran contemplated until she made a large slash.

The slash suddenly zoomed at high speeds, blocking the figures attacks to Kiran, the bright slash traveled faster, hitting the slash that was directed towards the trio. Kiran turned towards the figure, raising an eyebrow as if mocking the figure if that was the best it could do. The figure clenched its fist and made dozens upon dozens of slashes towards the elemental of light, she raised her sword, the weapon glowing in a bright light, all of the shadows suddenly disappeared from the light, a sudden glow resonating throughout the whole area.

The Elementals - Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now