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Growing up like Peyton wasn't the easiest don't get her wrong Peyton had nothing horrible going on it's just that her family and her didn't get along well because her parents preferred her sister Penelope and they didn't really talk to her while Penelope went home during school breaks Peyton stayed behind at the school she was a disappointment because she carried a wolf gene while the rest of her family were witches no one knew how Peyton got it but she did.

Then there was Penelope now in the begining they got along but now its a different story a very different story now Peyton fell in love with one amazing girl named Josette Saltzman and they were in a relationship till her sister Penelope decided to come ruin it all and Penelope had told Josie that she was the better option for her because her sister was cheating on Josie and Josie believed her and broke it off with Peyton.

Peyton was crushed when she found out why Josie broke up with her and it was because of her sister now Peyton couldn't ever dream of cheating on Josie she loved her way too much but she didn't blame Josie because she knew her sister was manipulative so she blamed Penelope and from that moment on she never forgave Penelope and they have never got along since to this day.

After what went down with Josie Peyton ended up moving rooms and rooming with her best friend Hope who was happy to have her since Peyton was the only one Hope trusted and she also comforted Peyton with the break up and at that point Hope and Peyton were more like sisters to each other then Penelope and Peyton ever were.

Another person Peyton grew close with was Lizzie Saltzman now you would be wondering why since Josie was Lizzie's twin but when Josie and Peyton were together Lizzie saw how happy they were and they also got along and now that Josie was with Penelope she hated it, Penelope hated her and keep Josie away from her as much as possible she wanted the old days back where Peyton was with Josie, got along with Lizzie and was respectful that the twins needed time together.

Now Peyton has become a stronger person thanks to Hope and even Lizzie she bearly ever talks to Penelope and if they do it's always a fight since Penelope broke up with Josie Peyton and Josie have been working as being friends again but Peyton is trying for more she wants Josie back just like how it use to be and she can see it in Josie's eyes that there are still feelings there for her and this pushes her to fight for it.

This is Peyton Park's story about how she gets the girl because you can trust her on one thing she isn't letting Josie slip now.

Alright guys a little background on the story and what went during the pre legacies stuff!!

So you've seen a little bit of her family and friends life and now onto the story!!!

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