04|Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn Part 1

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Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn Part 1

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Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn Part 1

Peyton's Voiceover 

No legacy is so rich as honesty when Shakespeare wrote that he obviously didn't know what I know about teenage boys I mean I know there are guys with integrity who lead with truth I've just never met any of them.

The Salvatore School

Peyton's POV

I looked outside to see a few kids from Mystic Falls High vandalising the Vans and rolled my eyes at the stupidity of these boys and started to head down to Emma's office because she requested to see Hope and I separately I can only assume it is because of the black magic spell. 

"I see you've decided to double down on your knowledge this morning" Emma said once I had sat down after entering her office "trying to be rich with honesty" I said while leaning on the couch "start from the beginning" Emma asked.

"Beginning of what my anger issues with my family and how they happen to screw me over whenever they can" I exclaimed "of your decision to help Hope Mikaelson to perform black magic on school grounds last night" she quips back and then I sit up realising I was caught even though I already thought I was going to talk about this.

"Maybe we should table this until Hope and I catch the guy we were trying to find by using black magic because the longer that Landon Kirby is out there the greater the chance he tells people about this school and the kind of people we have hidden behind the gates" I enquire and she leans forward "you know there is a beacon that allows me to detect when someone is using, you knew you would be caught" she says.

I was done with this "yeah after we found Landon but we lost the trail and now we are being interrogated because I'm assuming you're doing this to Hope as well but you know what go ahead take your time nothing at stake here" I told her and looked off to the side "did anyone help Hope and you with the spell" Emma enquires.

I think back to Josie my girlfriend helping Hope and I and there is no way that I would do that to her she's my girlfriend I couldn't "no, can I go now" I slightly begged wanting nothing more than to get out of here "Peyton you and Hope are students this isn't your fight" Emma starts trying to get me to back off.

"It's absolutely my fight Emma Landon was inside the walls of this school because of us he had access to the knife he stole because of us we're at risk of exposure because of us and you can tell me that I'm sublimating a lift time of abandonment issues or whatever the hell it says in my file here but I'm gonna support Alaric and Hope in finding him" I exclaimed getting that off my chest and started to walk out before Emma asked me something that caught me off guard.

"What happens when you do" she asks I think about it but don't reply and walk off truthfully I didn't know what Hope was planning but I knew it was nothing good with that I caught up with Hope and we started to walk back to our room.

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