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Peyton's Voiceover
3rd Person POV

When we're young we're taught the difference between a hero and a villain good and evil a saviour and a loss cause but what if the truth is that the only difference is just whose's telling the story my name is Peyton Park best friend of Hope Mikaelson she comes from a long line of the villains in your stories.

The front of the Salvatore School coming into view and Peyton and Hope walk to the gate looking around.

She's the daughter of a werewolf and a vampire.

Hayley standing there with blood on her face as her eyes start to glow a golden amber colour.

Klaus turning around blood and bodies everywhere with a heart in his hand.

The granddaughter of an evil witch.

Ester performing a spell around a fire.

They call her the Tribrid she's the only one of her kind.

Hope begins her transition into a werewolf relaxing the hallow and turning into a wolf and Faith and Klaus watch her.

Me well I'm the daughter of witches and a mysterious untriggered werewolf gene my parents and I don't get along neither do my sister and I don't really get along.

Peyton looking out the window with tears held in her eyes as she watches her sister walk towards her family during summer break as they leave without her.

I guess that makes me a hybrid kind of either way I'm the only one of my kind to exist.

Now Hope she's born from evil-fighting every day to be good.

Hope leaning against the cells with Roman tied up.

Hope's eyes flashing indicating her curse has been triggered.

There's no place in the world for some people like us.

Hope and Peyton at Hayley's funeral and Hope loses it blowing up the car with magic.

Except one the Salvatore School.

Alaric opening the new sign for the school.

"We teach discipline, compassion, a little magic but mostly it's a place where we can keep them safe, I've just spent a lot of time with supernatural people who were never comfortable with whom they were these kids, these kids will be better" Alaric says to Hayley as you see all different types of students and there abilities.

The locals think we're a school for troubled rich kids the troubled part is true.

Alaric, Hope, Peyton, Josie, Lizzie and Landon all sitting or standing Alaric in the front standing followed by Lizzie leaning against the door Hope with Landon standing next to her and MG sitting down with Josie sitting next to him and Peyton standing behind her.

We fall asleep in geometry and pass notes in magical history.

Students in the main area trying to learn by reading books and practising spells.

We throw parties in the woods and crash the local high school's dances.

Students throwing a bonfire parties while getting drunk.

Students crashing the Mystic Falls decade dances.

We fall in and out of love and break each others hearts.

Josie and Peyton staring into each others eyes while smiling and laughing just enjoying the moment.

Like so many who came before us we're not all good we're not all bad but we are all different weather we like it or not.

Going between each one MG and Josie laughing, Landon looking worried, Hope and Peyton talking as Peyton looks back at Josie longingly and it shows all five of them making the same face.

Any one of us could snap and become the villain of someone else's story that's why there are rules.

Hope and Hayley stepping on the balcony to see Henry with blood and a dead girl in his hands Hayley and Faith looking at Hope as she breaths heavily.

Rule number 1: No one can know who we are or what we can do.

Landon gets Hope shake while staring at Hope and Hope staring at him to "thanks Landon" Hope says as Landon walks away leaving Hope and Elijah to talk.

Rule number 2: Don't get close with the locals when we open up to strangers we risk exposing our secrets.

Peyton standing in this distance with a happy look on her face and she watches Hope and Landon dance and laugh with each other.

When local boy Landon Kirby entered our life's Hope learnt the consequences of breaking the rules in opening up to an innocent she opened the door to something bigger than both of us.

A door opening as one of Henry's bricks are removed and just as he is about to die.

Something bigger than the school.

Hope and Peyton sitting outside as they wait for Hayley to pick Hope up and take her back to New Orleans.

It's secrets and even the town of mystic falls.

Landon sitting at the grill writing in his notebook about his suspicions about Hope.

Something that could bring us all to our knees.

A giant explosions causing a building to explode.

Roman tucking Hope's hair behind her ears as Hope realises her dad is here.

Hope opening her eyes gasping for air.

Hope doing the werewolf jumps up at the old mill.

This is a story of magic.

Hope setting the building on fire as Freya and Peyton try to get her to stop

Of secrets and betrayals.

Hope handing the blood to Henry.

Roman putting magic blocking chains on Hope.

First loves and first heartbreaks.

Hope and Roman kissing.

Josie and Peyton kissing.

Hope crying is Freya's arms about Hayley's death.

Peyton crying in Hope's arms when Josie broke up with her for her sister.

It's a story of friendship and family.

Josie, MG and Lizzie sitting around and laughing.

Alaric staring with his girls as they stand as one.

Of battling our own demons so we can face the monsters around us.

Hope using the hallow to kill the vampires and Klaus and Marcel watch in awe.

Someone getting released into water only for a sister to appear and grab there face.

This is a story out story about trying to be normal in a world that's anything but the only question is will we be its heroes or it's villains.

Peyton, Hope, Alaric, Josie, Lizzie, Landon and MG walking down to the gates all looking serious and prepared for the battle to come.

Alright, guys, that's the trailer the first chapter will be out real soon I promise!!!

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