03|The Truth

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The Truth

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The Truth

The Salvatore School


Peyton's POV

Here I was walking around thinking about everything that had gone down in the past few days I mean somehow Penelope and I have had the worst fight to date I mean no regrets there, Josie and I almost kissed only regret is not kissing her, thank Rafael and then there is this whole mess with Landon and the knife and I know Hope is really hurt by it I tried to be there for her but she was very persistent when she just needed some time alone and I wasn't about to go get my ass kicked by a Tribrid fulling knowing she could.

So I was walking around doing nothing but I started thinking Josie and I never talked about the kiss so maybe we could but not just about the kiss, maybe we could talk about everything because I don't really know where Josie stands when it comes to why we broke up I honestly just hope she still doesn't believe I cheated on her.

Josie and Lizzie's Room

So here I am standing in from of Josie and Lizzie's door scared out of my mind but I wasn't about to back out so I knocked on the door hearing a faint come in from Josie I then opened to door and saw Josie reading her books scrunching her nose up really cutely to show she was concentrating and I looked around seeing no signs of Lizzie so I think we were all good to talk about what we needed to.

"Hey Jo" I said causing her head to pop up and a smile took over her face and it was something that I couldn't help but return "Hey P, what's up" she asked me and I motion to her bed as if asking if I could sit down and she moved to the side patting the spot next to her so once I sat down I looked at her "well I was hoping we could talk about us" I asked causing Josie to looked confused.

"What about us" she asked and I sighed, here we go "everything, starting from why we broke up to what happened at the party" I said and when I mentioned the breaking up I saw her frown "uh yeah, of course, I guess we never really had a proper talk about it" Josie said and she wasn't wrong we never really did talk about it because my sister made sure Josie would stay away from me at all cost.

"Alright let's just get to the heavy hitter, why did you break up with me" I asked already knowing the answer but wanting to hear it from her "P you know what you did, you cheated on me with some girl" Josie told me and my heart was crushed even after everything she still believed my sister well I'm not going down without a fight.

"Who told you I did or did you see it with your own eyes, wait let me guess my bitch of a sister told you right" I say cause her to look at me wide-eyed before nodding "gosh Josie after everything that happen between you and her you should know how manipulative she can be" I told her.

"So are you telling me you never cheated on me" Josie asked and I sighed before grabbing her hand kneeling in front of her "Josie days before the break up we were talking about our future and how we could get married, adopt kids and being happy why would I cheat on you after talking about that stuff" I tell her and it's like I can see the realisation going through here eyes.

She pulls her hands away from mine and putting her head in her hands "I'm so stupid" she mumbles and I lift her chin up and grab her hands again "no you're not you had just happen to fall victim to my sister's manipulation it happens to the best of us" I told her and she still didn't look happy.

"How can you even talk to me and oh god we've friends since my break up with you know who have you keep this all at bay" she asked me I gave her a soft smile "because Josie when you love someone, you doing anything to be around even if it was just as a friend" I tell her and she looks super shocked when I mentioned the love part

"That night we broke up I was coming to tell you that I love you and I still do even after everything that has happened because I've known what my sister told you for a long time" I told her revealing the truth.

"Why didn't you say anything" Josie asked and I sighed "because you looked happy and even if it was with her I didn't want to ruin that for you" I told her looking down only for her to lift my head up "you put your own happiness aside just so I could be happy" she asked me and I nodded.

It felt like it was all in slow motion as we looked in each other's eyes before she leaned forward just a little me doing the same were we millimetres away from out lips touching and I wanted her to make the move I needed to know she wanted this as much as I did.

She did not waste any more time connecting our lips making finally feels those sparks again, loving that feeling, once we put apart I look at her "well you beat me to the next part of the conversation but I definitely enjoyed that, like a lot" I said causing us both to laugh I then sat up on her bed and one of my hands grabbed hers the other caressing her cheek.

"Be mine again Jo" I asked tearing up a bit and she nodded "of course, it's always been you P" she said and I brought our lips together again in another passionate kiss thinking life couldn't get any better and I was right.

Author's Note

Alright, guys, they are back together!!!!!

I won't lie I started tearing up while writing this the cuteness just killed me but in the best way possible!!!

So the next chapters will be episode 2 and Peyton is going to be at the game but I know some of you guys want some more scene's with Hope and I promise I will provide!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed till next time!!

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