Becoming: Part 1 | Chapter 1

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You beared your bag on your back as you slaved through the empty halls of Arcadia High. Another day of agonizing school had pushed you to your limit. You just wanted to be a normal changeling - well not working for Gunmar obviously, but you wanted to stay in Trollmarket. Your eyes searched for any unwanted individuals, but could not find any. You approached your classroom.

"Ah, I see Miss Y/N, you decided to come," Strickler teased, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Let's get this over with. What did you want to tell me?" You were aware that Strickler was a changeling too, but he was not like you. He worked for Gunmar. "Well... I don't know if you know, but there is a certain boy in this class who takes a liking to you." you sighed and rolled your eyes, "Yes I'm aware. It's the boy with dark hair?"

"Correct. It's not just that though, I feel as though you should try to talk to him. I can't help but notice that you are very good at isolating yourself." you were... disturbed, to say the least. "But I am a changeling, he is a human. I can't be friends with him and keep a secret like that."

"Oh well, I just thought I'd tell you." he spoke. You walked out without saying goodbye, you despised him for the choices he had made. And so, you went back to Trollmarket: being careful not to be seen.

The next day...

You proceeded through the Trollmarket exit, to be greeted by a great mass of grey fog. You coughed and tried to make sense of the sudden change of atmosphere, but you couldn't. Until the fog cleared up. A sudden wave of realisation fell over you and mouth agape, you ran towards the pile of rocks, they were the remains of Kanjigar. You felt the tears stream freely down your face, as you cried for the now lifeless Trollhunter on the floor.

"C'mon Tobes don't you ever want a little more excitement?" you gulped and fled into the shadows. You watched as the same boy from class landed on the rocky floor of the canal.

"Come on Tobes!" by now you just assumed he was his friend.

The amulet rebuked, "James... Lake" your eyes widened at the sight held before you. You had to put your hand over your mouth to stop you from screaming. It chose a... Human? Jim looked toward the glowing blue anomaly . He was just as confused as you. Then you finally saw a chubby mortal riding on a red bike, sweating from the lack of exercise. He made it to the top, panting before falling and screaming for the bike to halt. But Jim didn't take his eyes off the glowing blue light hidden amongst the rocks. You slowly backed into the corner, unsure of what to do next. Tobias then came hurdling back down, before landing on the compacted floor with a violent thud.

"How awesome are we?... Awsomeeee." you scoffed quietly due to his remark.

But then, James started to approach the perplexing blue light that spoke his name. You felt him drawing near and threw yourself around the nearest corner; letting out a breath you didn't know you had been holding. You peeked around the corner, attentive not to be seen.

He walked past you, and you let out a sigh of relief. He dropped his bag and proceeded further towards the remains of your precious friend. You felt another tear well up in your eye, but you didn't deny it freedom.

"Hey! Hey, Tobes." Toby stood up, adjusted his helmet and ran towards him.

"Did you hear that voice?" he asked quietly. "What voice?" Toby replied, finally noticing the mound of boulders. The amulet vocalized again, "James... Lake." he was going to be the Trollhunter, that would mean he would have to know about you. They jumped and fell back, Toby let out a yelp in the process.

"That! That pile of rocks knows my name." he cried out, crawling towards it. If only he knew what it really was... He stared down at it. "It's a pile of K-spar. Minerals don't talk." 'they are not minerals'. You gritted your teeth. It angered you how he disrespected him, yet you stayed quiet.

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