Becoming: Part 2 | Chapter 2

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Hello everyone! Before we start, I just want to apologise for the wait. I am so sorry you had to wait so long for the next chapter, but I have been so busy this past month. I hope you understand, and once again I'm really sorry. Enjoy!

School was a nightmare. Throughout the day, your eyes kept meeting his. You daren't speak to him, what if he got scared?

You were nervous. No, that's an understatement - you were TERRIFIED of what Jim would've thought of you. What if he hated you? What if he thought you were ugly? What if he- your raging thoughts quickly came to a halt by the sudden soft-spoken voice coming from behind you. "Y/N? Are you.. alright?" Your eyes wandered towards Blinky's.

"Yes, I'm fine... I guess I'm just nervous." You said. Feeling a pair of strong arms throw you forcefully into the air. You landed on AAARRRGGHH's!!! back. A giggle erupted from your throat. "Fun?" AAARRRGGHH!!! asked. You nodded your head and they began to walk towards Jim's house.

You sighed and stared up at the stars. There were billions, scattered across the dark vulnerable sky, the moon's lustre lighting up the roads.

You were finally placed onto your feet only a few steps away from Jim's house or 'hut' as Blinky would say. Blinky threw his fist at the door repeatedly. You'd be lying if you didn't say it looked like something out of a horror movie. You watched as Toby started to frail his arms around, yelling for Jim to, "Close the door!"

Blinky threw open the door and instantly allowed himself inside. "Master Jim!" He chuckled. You were getting tired of hearing that same name. Toby jumped towards Jim, knocking him forward slightly. You poked your head inside, just enough for them to see you.

"I'm calling 911" Toby threw Jim in front of him, almost like a shield. Well, he was wearing a suit of armor, but still. AAARRRGGHH!!! tried desperately to get inside, but repeatedly failed. You sighed and slowly approached the doorway, barely fitting between the gap of AAARRRGGHH's!!! arm and the doorframe.

"No, Animal Control!" Toby wailed, falling behind the kitchen counter. He quickly pulled out his phone, but you were quick to tug it out of his fingers and successfully pull them towards you with your mind. In the corner of your eye, you saw Jim's mouth fall open slightly, but then he quickly shut it. Toby threw a whole piece of pizza inside his mouth, "Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. They talk."

"I knew it was only a matter of time before the amulet called to us." Blinky gestured. Jim stared back at him with pure confusion.

"'Called' to you?"

"Actually, no. We've been spying on you." You were in your troll form yet again, to make sure Tobias did not become startled.

"Spy on you." AAARRRGGHH!!! chuckled, moving his two fingers towards his eyes before lowering them. He was still trying to get through the door.

"Well keeping a close watch," Blinky said, trying to sound as professional as possible. You scoffed and rolled your eyes before a loud thump could be heard from behind you. AAARRRGGHH!!! got through the door? "Door small," He complained.

"Animal control?" A woman spoke. You quickly felt for Tobias's phone but came to the realization that it was gone. "Monsters, at my best friends house! I need you to send a squad!" He called desperately into his phone.

"Is this a prank kid?" You quickly drew the phone towards you and raised it to your ear, "He's just a weird kid. Sorry for wasting your time." You said, before hanging up the phone.

"You told your stout little friend about us?" Blinky uttered.

"Um, is that a problem?" Jim spoke. You quickly replied, "We trolls have done everything in our power to stay hidden! Especially from humans."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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