Chapter 6: Who to kill?

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April 16th, 2026

5:15 pm

I watch from the corner of the set as BTS start with their intro.





"Run! Bangtan!"

"여보세요! 오늘 우리는 오늘 우리와 함께 할 특별한 손님이 있습니다(Hello! Today we have our special guest to be with us today)!" Yoongi reads from a script in front of him. Lily translates everything he says to my earpiece.

"Alright, let welcome our guest, Lucie!" Namjoon motions for me to step onto the set. I do hesitantly.

In my ear, Lily whispers, "Step on quicker and make sure to bow."

Taking note, I bow to all of them before finding a place in between Jin and Namjoon.

"Hello, I'm Lucie." I take an exaggerated bow. They all clap for me, especially Hobi, who clasps his hands around his mouth, hooting and hollering.

The PD in charge speaks, "여러분 모두 아시다시피, 오늘 러닝 맨 코리아의 에피소드를 다시 만들 것입니다. 우리는 spy game(As you all know, today will be a remake of Running Man Korea's episodes. We will play a spy game)." Oohs and ahs ring throughout the huge museum.

The PD continues, "어쨌든, 규칙은 이것입니다 : 2 명의 간첩과 6 명의 비 간첩이 있습니다. 6 명의 비 간첩은 서로를 알지 못하고 2 명의 간첩도 알지 못합니다. 스파이들은 스파이 파트너가 누구인지 알아 내기 위해 코드를 사용합니다. 비 (非) 스파이는 의심스러운 행동을 경계하고 있으며, 비 스파이와 스파이에 대한 힌트가 포함 된 메모 카드를 찾고 있습니다. 스파이가 비신사자가되는 방식은 팔찌를 벗어 버리고 비 간첩이 스파이를 얻는 방법은 팔찌를 벗는 것입니다. 스파이가 아닌 사람들은 스파이 팔찌에서 이기기 위해 승리해야합니다. 스파이들에게도 마찬가지입니다(Anyways, the rules are this: There are 2 spies and 6 non spies. The 6 non spies don't know each other and neither the 2 spies. Spies will use a code to figure out who is there spy partner. The non spies are on the lookout for suspicious behavior and are looking around for notecards containing hints on non spies and spies. Green cards are for non spies, red cards are for spies. The way spies get non spies out are by taking off there bracelet and the way non spies get spies out are by taking off their bracelets. Non spies must get off the spies bracelets in order to win. The same goes the other way around for spies).

We all nod simultaneously, having that the rules have been already told to us. Lily never fails to miss a beat explaining in my ear.

Tae speaks out, "우리 모두는 귀마개가 있고 당신이 간첩인지 여부에 대한 우리의 지시를 경청 할 것입니다.(We all have earpieces and will now listen for our instructions on whether you are spy or not)." All the guys nod, simultaneously spreading out, away from one another. Only I remain in the middle. I turn to the camera, shrug, and plop on the floor, waiting for Lily's instructions.

"Brush your hair if you can hear me." Lily mutters as I very obviously brush my hair. "Good. You are one of the spies for the day. The action you must make is put both hands on your cheek. The other person who is the spy should recognize this action and will wrap their hands around your hands that are on your cheek. Make sure to find your partner and not get your own bracelet taken off. I stiffen up, my shoulders lifting up in a very obvious manner. Quickly, I try to calm down, my breathing getting rapidly faster.

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