Chapter 1: Lottery

43 10 8

February 23, 2026

6:07 pm

     "I paid $100, $100! Do you not know how much money that is?" Halsee clasps her hands on my shoulders and shakes me ferociously. "Did you check yet?" Halsee miserably asks. "I still can't believe I thought I had a chance to meet them. I mean, me? Really?" She scrunches her face. Again, she asks, "Did you check yet?"

     "I haven't, but when I do, I'll tell you." I reply nonchalantly. In my most comforting voice, I utter, "Shit, you only gave $100. You know how many sasaengs paid for like 200 tickets? You wasted $100, and they said that money's not going to waste, its going to be given to like... charity or some shit." Halsee grouses, slumping loosely on my bed.

     "I still can't believe it. Jungkook is specifically taking a break from military to do this project-"

      "Jungkook?" I spit out my water. "I thought he was still in military. How did you find out?" I eye Halsee suspiciously. 

     "Found on some sasaeng website, might've been Dispatch actually--He's apparently taking a break--it shocked all of us. Turns out, he was seen leaving military." Halsee mutters. "I've been stanning them since 2017. 2017! Do you know how much data I've used to search up BTS before?" I shake my head as she flares, "Yeah, a lot of it! All my friends have met them and I'm just a broke college student living off of the Kpop club weekly meetings. My boys!" Halsee lets out an angry sob. "Whoever is hanging out with them for 5 DAYS, in KOREA, is very, very lucky." Halsee angrily slams her backpack onto the ground.

     "Hey, look, who the hell cares about that-"

     "I do. I cared a lot. I wanted to meet them. I don't know about you, but I still stan them and have been for a long time." Halsee slumps down in my bed and rolls around, messing up the arrangement of the sheets.

     "Ok, look you can't change anything. If it makes you feel better, your the most dedicated fan I know and honestly the best ARMY out there." I hoarsely call out, a desperate attempt so she'll just stop mourning.

     "You think so?" She sniffles.

     "I know so. Now leave I have shitty homework to do." I roll my eyes angrily, as the mere thought of homework can get a rant out of me. "Bye Hal." Halsee snatches her backpack from the ground and flashes me the best smile she can form.

     "Bye Lucie. Remember to check your gmail to see if you gonna hang out with them." I nod as I hurriedly wave her out.

     The door slams as I finally loosen up. I reach over towards my laptop and sign online to my gmail.

     "Shit, I'll check for the sake of her damn sanity," I murmur underneath my breath to no one in particular. I tap on the most recents icon and search for a gmail from the raffle contest. "What. The. Fuck."

      I power off my laptop and open it up again to the same page. On my notifications, theirs an unopened mail from, the organization that worked under BigHit's raffle contest. This can't be. My hands tremble as I click on the 'new mail icon. A letter titled "Congratulations Army" lays on the screen of my laptop.

Congratulations ARMY!


To: Lucie  Xing

Hello Lucie, this is BigHit staff translators speaking. Based on your information, your an international ARMY who has won the raffle to meet BTS. We have your information and tracked you to where you are.

This is an offer of the lifetime but it could be slightly inconvenient due to the fact you live in Chicago. We have a separate phone line made for the raffle prize winner. The Phone Number is 101-106-0222.

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