One Step Forward Two Steps Back

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Third Person's POV

"They stole this," An older woman flips her laptop around towards the three boys.

"Smart thinking Lenora," A man, her husband, states.

Lenora is the Nacrene City gym leader who is obsessed with ancient legends, much like Cedric. She has big poofy teal hair, dark skin, and lots of clothing. A majority of it follows a teal, orange, and beige pattern.

Her husband Hawes is the kind of guy you expect to never leave the Nacrene Museum which also acts as the gym

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Her husband Hawes is the kind of guy you expect to never leave the Nacrene Museum which also acts as the gym. He has thin glasses along with a short haircut. He also wears a nicely put together suit which is grey and lime coloured.

 He also wears a nicely put together suit which is grey and lime coloured

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"We has to turn to the digital world at some point," Lenora laughs. "We have every bit of text found on artifacts, in the books, and even the ancient engravings found everywhere, copied and documented in this file."

"Amazing," Ash awes while watching Cedric scroll through the pages of some book. "Why did the thieves steal this book?"

No one talks.

The three adults look among each other until Lenora finally makes Ash feel like he's there again. "Ash we'll be right back okay," She smiles and they leave the room.

"I'm going to tell him what's going on if you don't," Lenora puts her hands on her hips, staring deep into Cedric's soul.

The architect gulps.

"If you do that you'd be lying to him," The dirty blonde starts to sweat. Lenora's expression drifts farther from the happy side. "Because I lied to you..."

"Cedric!" Lenora steps up and grabs the collar of his shirt.

"Okay Lenora," Hawes calms down his wife. "How about we go back out there and Cedric can explain what's really going on?"

Cedric nods and Lenora lets go. They walk back into the library where they started and Ash immediately senses a problem amongst them.

"Ash I haven't been completely honest with you," Cedric sighs. "Everything about the race and having to beat a team was true."

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