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Precognition is possibly what most people think when someone mentions psychic abilities. It's the ability to actually see (in your minds eye) or sensing the future.

As well as clairvoyance, precognition is one of my stronger abilities, It goes hand in hand with it in fact.

How it works:

Precognition works is much like déjà vu. All time exists, now, in the present. Everything in past, present, and future overlaps and is happening now. There is only this moment, the now. And because of the laws of the third dimension there is a lag we have named "the concept of time". What happens is sometimes the future timelines accidentally trickle through and you experience the "future" which is the 'now' in the 'now'.

 What happens is sometimes the future timelines accidentally trickle through and you experience the "future" which is the 'now' in the 'now'

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Signs that you have precognition:

• Your dreams tell the future. Even if it comes in symbols and not pristine copies of what is yet to come.

• You experience déjà vu.

• The phone rings, you intuitively know exactly who's on the phone without any prior knowledge of who is calling.

• sometimes precognition comes in the form of common sense. Example; your friend comes up to you asking for advice on what to do. You advise your friend not to go through with what she's asking about weather she should do it or not because you know what the outcome will be, you are playing it out in your head, you can literally feel it.
Your friend goes away. A few days later she calls you, she's crying. You know she went through with it. She tells you about what's happened after she did what you advised her not to do. Everything she tells you is exactly what you knew would happen.

That sort of thing...

So yes, this ability is fairly simple to understand, you can see the future!

How to develop your Precognition:

Meditate- this will enhance the connection to the universe, when you gain more awareness and the more you expand your consciousness the more you will be able to perceive and the more information will come in. You may notice more experiences coming through not just because your abilities are strengthening but because the spirit world will start to open itself up to you because you are opening up to it.

Next is to raise your vibration. As you do this you will become wayyyy more in tune.
Trust me.

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