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Divination is a form mostly of clairvoyance. It's a form of prediction by picking the most possible future timeline. This is essentially what decimation or telling the future is.

There is an infinite amount of timelines that we can experience depending on our decisions and actions.

Anyone can do this and it's more of a question of how, rather than how can I?

I am going to give you two techniques that I have used:

• Taro cards-
Taro cards most likely originated in Northern Italy in the late 14th century. The cards where originally used to play a bridge-like game known as tarocchi. The game eventually spread to the European countries including southern France and gained the name Tarot. The game didn't earn a mystical reputation until until the late 18th century when the occult came in. A man named Antoine Court de Gébelin wrote a book linking the cards to an anchor to Egyptian lore, arguing that the taro symbols contained the secret wisdom of a god called Thoth. And around that time Jean-Baptiste Alliette publishes a treatise on using taro cards as a decimation tool.

Taro cards are an excellent visual way to predict your possible future timelines. You can go online and find grids and specific readings you can do. I haven't delved into taro too deeply.

•Tea leaves-Reading the tea otherwise known as Tasseography, is an incredibly well known method of divination

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•Tea leaves-
Reading the tea otherwise known as Tasseography, is an incredibly well known method of divination. It is a ritualistic way of divination and one of the most beautiful ways. I used this method to predict exactly, and I mean exactly when my next relationship would be, the prediction was incredibly accurate to, the, day. I use the WikiHow method, it works brilliantly and to decipher the images I look up the symbology of the image. It works even if you look them up on a dream meaning site.

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