❝admiring from afar❞ hc \\ vanya hargreeves

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the apocalypse doesn't happen. thank you for coming to my ted talk.

you loved music.
so you looked for music.
and music you found.
it wasn't just music that you found — it was also something else. it was that feeling of tingling in your chest, incredibly excited to see another one of those practice performances. you gained interest in vanya hargreeves, the one who had published an autobiography about her and the umbrella academy. you liked her. you kind of began to develop a crush on her.

of course, she didn't notice. the girl never seemed to notice what was going on around her. even when you tried to talk to her, she only shut you out with her short replies and her desire to leave as soon as possible.

so you started leaving love notes at her door. at first, they were simple ones — you look lovely today or i love it when you smile, stuff like that. then, when you saw there was barely any reaction, you started to put flowers in front of her door. you noticed she had put them in vases, as you could see at the window.

when you were ready, you decided to make longer notes. love letters, actually. you described in detail on how much you admire her and her talents for the violin, and how much you loved seeing her be in her element of music.

obviously, you see the response. vanya smiled more often when she got to the music building, it was all very refreshing to see. you loved seeing her happy — or at least happier than before. you encouraged her — and of course, all the others as well, you didn't want to look like you were picking favourites — to play in the concert. to have confidence on herself.

vanya really took your words to heart, because she started to arrive on time — you assumed it was because she was eager to be at the practices. the smile on her face, the confidence she showed — it couldn't make you any happier.

you wondered when you were ready to tell her. the letters never stopped coming at vanya's house and you were planning on telling her sooner or later. it was kind of nerve-wracking for you, because you were scared she would turn you down or walk away in disgust.

eventually you did. it was the evening after practice, and you decided to walk up to vanya. you were nervous, but you had to say something — if you didn't say anything, maybe she'll find another one soon.

"miss hargreeves? vanya?"


how in the hell could you even explain? you didn't practice this first, no, you decided to just do it, but now you were at loss for words. "you were— you did very well at practice," you said, trying to keep the conversation as casual as possible.

"thank you." it didn't seem vanya suspected anything. and small talk wouldn't get you anywhere. so you just took a deep breath and told her.

"do you remember... the flowers, and the letters?"

"that was you?"

you nodded, avoiding any eye contact with her because it would make things so awkward. you were scared for any judgement that might come.

but, vanya didn't walk away, or reply coldly. she smiled at you. "those were... really sweet, i— i loved getting them." you looked at her, taking a deep breath. she tilted her head. "did you mean it?"

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