❝discovering his powers❞ hc \\ ben hargreeves

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i kind of linked this with ❝overstay❞ but you can also read this without reading that chapter. but i suggest reading that one too. (ben is a big uwu.) thank you for coming to my ted talk.

• you and ben had been dating for a while. you knew that he was part of the umbrella academy but you barely knew anything about it - you never bothered to pick up the autobiography vanya hargreeves had written.

• he also tried to avoid the topic at all costs. whenever klaus ranted about how evil dad was towards them, you always came back with the question, "what was home like?"

• ben never answered you. he just changed the topic. you knew that his home was a touchy subject for him - not just for him, but for klaus and all his other siblings too. so you dropped it as well, hoping he might come to you and explain it himself one day.

• most of the time, ben would ask you about home. "what was it like?" and "did they treat you well?" and "did you have fun?"

• you were glad to tell him you had a pleasant childhood - at least, you assumed it was better than his and appreciated how you were treated at home, even if it wasn't always that fun.

• one day, ben was working overnight and you spent the evening with klaus at the bar. you were still curious about the hargreeves and you knew that klaus wouldn't hesitate to give you answers, but it didn't feel right to hear it from him - like spoilers from a book or show, you wanted to know it from ben himself, not someone else.

• "klaus," you said, stirring your apple juice with the straw. you weren't feeling like getting drunk, unlike your boyfriend's brother who was on his fourth shot.

• and, he was visibly drunk. to get any serious conversation out of him was practically impossible now. "nevermind," you mumbled before getting up and finding a place to drink your juice in peace - you didn't really need klaus' drunkenness tonight or you'll have to take care of the mess he makes.

• the moment you sipped from your apple juice, you felt your sight get blurry - your head felt light and it was like the world around you was spinning as in a roller coaster. someone had drugged your drink, you knew it - you couldn't think of anything else before you blacked out completely.

• as you woke up, you were on a bed. it wasn't yours, it wasn't a familiar one either. the room smelled like cigars and alcohol, a smell you did not like and you assumed the person who brought you here wasn't really a good person as well.

• you decided to play unconscious. as you closed your eyes you cursed at yourself for leaving klaus - either he was a mess right now or was desperately looking for you, though the latter was least likely.

• moments later, someone approached the bed and you felt their hands creep up your body - you could not resist the urge to bolt up and punch the person in the face. you raised your eyebrow. it was a friend from work.

• "i didn't expect this from you, collin," you murmured, stance ready to fight.

• "what else was i supposed to do? you never wanted to go out with me, ever."

• you took a few steps back when collin stepped off the bed, your fists still in position to uppercut the man any moment. "i have a boyfriend, collin. you know this. everyone knows this - he always brings donuts for the entire office, so be a little more appreciative."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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