❝against the parasol academy❞ \\ five

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you're all children. thirteen years old, every single one of you. thank you for coming to my ted talk.

There was not a single day where you missed the Umbrella Academy's victories — stopping robberies, attempted murders, all kinds of crime were on their plate. You were their fan, you loved them more than you loved yourself. The most exciting part was that you were born on the exact same day as them, October 1, 1989. You believed you were like them, with supernatural powers and all — you just hadn't figured out your powers yet. Your mother denied it, though — she stated you were born normally on that day, your father just left when you were still a baby. You were, as she said it, an unexpected pregnancy. It only added fuel to your fire — they were unexpected pregnancies, too.

People gathered in front of the mayor's mansion. Someone attempted to murder him on the town's birthday event. Luckily, the Umbrella Academy was hired to protect the mayor and his mansion, maintaining peace and order for the citizens. Their father, the man who adopted all these six children, stood in front of them, giving a speech of how outstanding and extraordinary his children were, how amazing they were and powerful they were. That they would save the world once it is threatened.

A pair of eyes met yours — well, sort of. The eyes were covered by the trademark black domino mask of the Umbrella Academy, but somehow you knew they were staring at you. At least, they were looking your way — maybe you just felt a little overconfident in thinking that.

The person who stared at you tapped their sibling next to them and urged them to look your way as well. You had no idea what was happening. Despite of half of their face being covered by masks, you could see the expression of panic. They ran towards you — your direction — and before you could even process what was going on, you blacked out.

The smell of rotten eggs and moulded bread filled the room and you scrunched your nose in disgust — where were you? To find out was impossible, because your hands and feet were tied and it was too dark to see. You were surprised your mouth wasn't sealed shut, but wise enough not to scream for help — if you did, the one who took you here would definitely make sure you couldn't make a sound again.

"My, my, _____ _____, born on the first of October, 1989, isn't that right?" The voice of a woman echoed throughout the room you were in — footsteps coming closer to you. "It's such a pleasure to meet you. My apologies it has to be like this."

You didn't answer. You didn't know what you were up against.

"A shy one, yes? Hmm. My name is Jessica. You can call me Jessie, or Jess. It's all up to you, my darling." She waited for you to respond, but you didn't, so she continued. "Now, _____, may I ask you a couple of questions? Answer them and you might get out of here."

This was an offer you were interested in. You mentally prepared yourself for the questions and hoped with all your heart that they were easy to answer.

"The first question is... do you have any powers?"

Oh, that was a trick question already. Though, for the first time in forever, you didn't want any powers. It was the first time you denied the slight possibility of you having powers. "No," you answered firmly. "I don't."

Jessica hummed and you could hear the sound of a pen on paper. As she noted down your answer, she moved on to the next question. "Do you live with your parents?"

You sighed. "One parent. Mom."

"Interesting," the woman commented as she wrote it down. "And, how were you born?"

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