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The camera shows a bird's eye view of Camp Wawanakwa with Chris standing on the dock, facing the camera.

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island.....(several clips from the previous episodes are shown as Chris began the intro) The Screaming Gophers kicked butt in the Awake-a-thon when Brick took a snooze while he and Emma ran laps around the island! And the Killer Bass took their second lost in a row harsh. Heather orchestrated the first Total Drama Island Alliance by convincing Lindsay, Alex, and Cameron to join forces with her. Unfortunately for Heather, Sharon overheard this and demanded to be included in their alliance or else she would rat them out to their whole team. Way to blackmail, Four-Eyes! (chuckles). In the end, Jo became the second camper to rock the Boat of Losers for stealing from the other contestants, even though it was really Heather! Nicely played, Heather. Nicely played. (The camera cuts back to Chris at the Dock of Shame) Who will break the rules of their new alliance? Will Emma be able to stay awake until the end of the episode? And who will take the next humiliating walk down the Dock of Shame? Stay tuned for the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet, on.....(the camera zooms out with each word) Total...Drama.....Island!

(Theme Song)
Main Lodge

The scene transitions to the inside of the main lodge, where both teams were eating breakfast. Over at the Gopher table all except Emma were present, most of them were chatting amongst themselves while a few others such as Trent, Alex, Noah, and Justin looked pretty tired. Over at the Bass table however, Jenny, Dawn, and Harold were absent from the group, and everyone else looked completely exhausted.

Chris: (walks over to the Bass table and takes notice of their exhausted state) Bass! You all look like crap, guys.

Duncan: (raises his head off of the table and scowls at the host) Stuff it. (puts his head back down)

Courtney: Harold snored all night.

Mary-Margret: (irritably) Not to mention we had to listen to Jenny and Dawn talk to Anthony's stupid snake all night too since they couldn't sleep through Harold's snoring anyway.

Anthony glares daggers at Mary-Margret for her insult towards Snowflake.

Chris: (chuckles) Wow. Four nights with no sleep? How much are you dudes hurting?

Duncan: (shoots a threatening glare at Chris) Wanna find out?!

Most of the Bass started ducking down in case things got physical.

Chris: (defensively) No. No. It's cool. It's cool.

At that moment, the door to the lodge opened to reveal Harold, who had mustache drawn onto his face with a black marker, causing many of the campers to gasp with shock upon seeing it. A fantasy sequence then begins as he slowly walks towards the Bass table, showing the Screaming Gophers staring at him in awe and amazement as he passes by their table with a confident smile. As he walked, runway music played and camera flashes were seen. Unfortunately for Harold, the Gophers were actually snickering at him in reality. When Harold sat down at his team's table, they could hardly hold in their snickers and a few even burst out laughing, causing Harold to become confused.

Harold: (frustratedly) Okay, what?!

Luke: (tries to stop snickering) S-Sorry...Harold, But someone messed with your face.

Harold picked up a spoon and looked at his reflection, seeing the marker mustache drawn on his face. While the others were still laughing at it, Harold seemed to like it.

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