Not Quite Famous Part I

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The camera shows a bird's eye view of Camp Wawanakwa with Chris standing on the dock, facing the camera.

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island...(several clips from the previous episodes are shown as Chris began the intro) The Killer Bass finally dodged their losing streak against the Screaming Gophers. There were bruises, arguments, risky moves, and dangerous alliances. And in the end, Noah, who pretty much didn't do anything productive to help out his team, managed to save his own butt from elimination by making deals with Emma and Heather's alliance to vote off Justin McGorgeousness. This week, another challenge will send another camper off to Loserville, population: four. (The camera cuts back to Chris at the Dock of Shame) Who will sink? And who will stay afloat? (double points to the camera) Find out right now, on...(the camera zooms out with each word) Total...Drama...Island!

(Theme Song)

The scene fades into the outside of the Gophers cabin, than into the girls' side where Lindsay can be heard complaining.

Lindsay: (sounds worried) Okay, this is so way beyond bad! (holds up an empty tube) I'm out of fake tanner already!

Gwen: (sits up from her bed with an annoyed look on her face and speaks sarcastically) Whoa, that's tragic, Lindsay.

Lindsay: Now I have to actually, like, suntan. In the sun! (Gwen has stopped listening to Lindsay as she licks her hand to fix her unruly bed head) Do you realize how shriveled and wrinkly that can make your skin? (takes another look at Gwen) Oh, you totally do.

Gwen looks very annoyed by Lindsay's comment. Before a fight could break out, Emma chimes in.

Emma: (sits up from her bunk bed) Hey, Lindsay. I think Alex might have some fake tanner that I'm sure he'd be more than happy to let you borrow. You should try going next door and asking him.

Lindsay: (perks up) OMG! You're right! That'd be so fetch! (rushes out of the cabin) I'll go ask him.

Gwen: (gives Emma a small smile) My hero.

Emma: (stretches) Just trying to keep the peace among the girls.

Gwen: Except when it comes to Heather.

Emma: Oh, hell no. That bitch is going down!

Gwen: Agreed! Next chance we get, I'll totally help you vote her off.

Emma: You'd have been the first one I asked. I just hope the Boat of Losers can carry her massive bitchiness all the way back home.

The two girls snickered together until Lindsay came back into the cabin with a confused look on her face, which was usually normal for the blonde airhead, but the girls had to ask anyway.

Emma: (raises an eyebrow) Something wrong, Lindsay?

Gwen: Did Alex not have any fake tanner?

Lindsay: No, he wasn't even in the cabin. But that's not the weird thing I saw.

Gwen: That'd be even weirder than if he did.

Lindsay: When I walked into the cabin to ask Alex if he had any fake tanner, I saw Mitch doing that weird thing he does where he pretends he's a female gymnast named Savanna.

Gwen: (raises an eyebrow) Are you talking about "Mike"?

Lindsay: No, I'm pretty sure his name is Mitch.

Emma: And his Russian gymnast impression is called "Svetlana".

Lindsay: Gesundheit!

Gwen: (rolls her eyes at Lindsay's ignorance) Whatever his name is, he does those impressions all the time. Everyone knows that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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