Stupid Prophecies

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"Crowley. Crowley!"

Said person jerked around, vivid hazel meeting black. "Yeah, Halt?" the redhead inquired curiously.

"I contacted Chiron." Halt said. "He said that there's been a new prophecy."

Crowley groaned. "Another one? Good grief. Well, what is it?"

Halt paused for a moment, then recited,

"A child of darkness and a child of light

Born under the moon's sight

Shadow conquers the heavens

And eternal night descends

Spirit of the chained tree

Blood of a river drained from the sea

Healing light from the child of sun

Scepter of death hard-won"

Halt finished the prophecy, then raised a brow at Crowley. 

"You're the prophecy expert." he said to the redhead. "Got any ideas?"

Crowley groaned. "I hate prophecies." he muttered, pulling out a sheet of paper. "Got any idea who the child of darkness is?"

"A child of Hades, I suppose." Halt said, sitting next to Crowley. "A child of Hades born under the moon."

"And child of light is a child of Apollo born at night." Crowley said. "Know any Hades kids?"

"Yes." Halt said. "There's Suria Nguyen, but she was born on the lunar eclipse."

Crowley tilted his head and stared at Halt for a long moment. Long enough for it to get rather uncomfortable for Halt.

"What." he snapped, glaring at Crowley.

"It's you." Crowley said bluntly. "You were born at night, weren't you?"

Halt stared at Crowley for a moment. "How the hell did you know that?"

"I know this sort of stuff." Crowley said vaguely, writing down that new bit of information. "God of prophecy and all. And....."

Crowley stared at the wall for a period of time before nodding. "Yeah, child of light refers to me. Joy."

Halt groaned. "And of course I'm betting that 'sceptre of death hard-won' is Diocletian's Scepter."

"Didn't Diocletian's Scepter, you know," Crowley waved a hand about, "dissolve or something?"

"Disintegrate." Halt said. "How are we supposed to get his scepter, then? Gather up the powder and say a spell?"

Crowley paused for a second, then beamed full-force at Halt. "That might actually work!"

Halt blinked once, then sighed.

"That was meant to be sarcasm, Crowley."

"Then you're not very good at it, are you?"

"Like you're any better."

"Ouch, Halt. You wound me."

"Your skull is so thick not even a battering ram could make it in."

"Why, thank you!"

Halt sighed once more, watching as Crowley typed into a DaedalusTech computer. His tongue was poking out of his mouth and Halt couldn't help but think about how adorable it was.

"Anyhow," Crowley continued, completely oblivious, "I think that 'eternal night descends' might mean Night, like literally Nyx."

"Could be." Halt agreed, shifting over to look at the screen. He tried not to accidentally touch Crowley, but ended up shifting close enough for his thigh to be pressed against Crowley's own.

"So." Crowley said, his voice holding a touch of amusement, "what's the chained tree?"

"It could be a literal chained tree." Halt mused. 

"Doubtful." Crowley said, biting his lip. "I'll get back to that later. Blood of a river drained from the sea?"

"Rivers can't bleed." Halt said, shifting away from Crowley. "Probably a river nymph. One that...dunno, died in the sea?"

"Maybe." Crowley said. "We'll see...Get it? Sea? See?"

Halt snorted. "Your puns are as awful as your whistling."

"It could also be a nymph from a river connected to the sea who died." Crowley said, ignoring the jibe. "Maybe it's...what's her name? The one that died on the mountain-thing?"

"I think it, Antippe?" Halt asked.

Crowley shrugged. "Yes, no, maybe so. I'll have to find that."

Halt nodded. "So. Trapped tree, blood from some dead naiad, Diocletian's scepter, and....healing light?"

"I have no idea what it is either." Crowley said with a shrug. "Oh well. The thing about prophecies is that we'll just have to wait and find out. Tomorrow I'm going to go travel to try and find Diocletian's scepter-or the remains, anyway-wanna come?"

Halt took a second to take in all of Crowley's babble, then nodded. "Sure." he said.

Crowley grinned cheerfully. "Don't be impatient, Halt." he said brightly. "Just wait and we'll find out!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2019 ⏰

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