Chapter 3 Towel

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We are at the train station waiting.
I see John stressed
-You're stressed?
-Yeah a little bit.
-I don't know Jane.
He can't stop looking at the end of the rails
The train comes and we go inside.
We also see Paul,George and Ringo in the train
-Hey John. Says Paul
-Oh I see you took Jane with you. Says George
-Is it like a souvenir from here or what?
-I love her
- So you don't want to just fuck with her ?
-No George!
-So you really want to be with her and you're gonna live together?
-Wow I've never saw you like this
-Is it love John? Asks Paul while coming
-Yeah real love
He answers while looking at me
After 1 hour we're finally in Liverpool. I never came here before, and I'm really happy to see where John comes from.
He brings me to his house,without hesitation and he comes inside with a big smile
-And this, is where we're gonna live, do you like it?
-Beautiful house, better than mine
-ahah your house was not bad
-I don't know
-Come with me I'm gonna show you my room
He says like child.
He opens the door and I see a beautiful room with white walls,a big bed in the middle,a desk in the corner, a closet in the other and a big window with the sun coming through.
-It's not amazing it's really just a simple bedroom but it's yours too now
-I love it
-Haha I'm glad you like it
I open the window and I see the city with all the buildings and the cars.
John comes behind me and put his hand on my waist.
I turn my back and I see John's beautiful eyes looking through mines
-Jane Trave, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen
-And you, John Winston Lennon, you're the guy I've always wanted
-I love you
-I love you too
During the afternoon John showed me Liverpool,where he liked to go and we ate at a good restaurant.
We walk back to his home quietly,hand in hand . He unlocks the door, take off his coat and take mine and he says
-I'm gonna take a shower do you want to come? He says with a blink
-No thanks ahah
While he takes a shower I change myself with my pyjamas,I steal a cigarette from his packet and I smoke from the window. After 10 minutes I hear:
-Are you smoking now ?
-No I was...
I turn around and see John with only a towel on him
-I was smoking before but I-I'm not smoking a lot
He notices that I can't stop looking at him in the eyes like if I was daring him to take off the towel
-Why are you looking at me like that ?
-I'm just looking at you
-You have something in the way you look at me right now
-Oh really ? I say sarcastically
He looks at me knowing what I'm thinking about
-I'm gonna take a cigarette to smoke with you don't move
He comes back and we smoke together at the window, me in my pyjamas and him with his towel .
I wake up in the middle of the night because I had a nightmare. John is sleeping peacefully next to me and I don't want him to wake up because of me so I just sneak out of the bed and I go to the kitchen to drink a glass of water when I hear
-Jane ?
-I'm here
I hear his footsteps on the way to the kitchen.
-What time is it ?
I look at my watch
-Why are you awake at 5am?
-I had a nightmare
-Are you gonna try to sleep again ?
-No I'm too scared that I will have another nightmare
-Then I won't sleep
-I want to be with you, now tell me you nightmare
-Well in my nightmare you were somewhere and you were repeating with your guitar and a girl came and said that you were really talented but she'd like it more if your fingers weren't touching the guitar but touching her body and suddenly I opened the door and I saw her kissing you but like you don't wanted to kiss her she was abusing you.
-And what did you do?
-Nothing I didn't have time to do something that she closed the door she blocked but onto the door and she kissed me and you disappeared.
-It's crazy I know
-But you know that I'm not gonna leave you
-Yeah I know but you have so many fans and you can fall in love for one of them
-Ahaha how ? I love you
-Was it true when George said that he never saw you like that?
-Yes, because I've never been in love like I am now
-But before you took girls and you just had sex with them ?
-yeah... I mean yes but it's just before I needed to satisfy myself y'know
-umm yeah...
-What you never had sex ?
He looked at me like I was some kind of alien
-Ahahahaha oh my god
-What? Why are laughing?
He couldn't stop laughing
-ahahaha you'll understand later
-What ? No tell me
-ahaha you really want me to tell you ?
-I'm sure you're gonna like it
-Are you saying that you're good in bed?
-Maybe. he said with a blink
I found the John that I saw earlier, that John,
the John that was watching me when I was gonna put my dress this morning.

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