Chapter 5 Girlfriends

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We decided after 3 hours of repeating that this is this what we're gonna do:
A taste of honey
Do you want to know a secret
All I've got to do
Till there was you
You really got a Hey hold on me
Every little thing
And maybe Roll over Beethoven
(Author: Yes I mixed everything)
John and I are in our pyjamas and we're smoking from the window.
-What do you like about me? He asked
-umm I think I could say your eyes, your smile, the way you talk to me,your personality umm
-"The way I talk to you" what does it mean?
-You're different when you talk to me
-I'm not
-Yes you are
-Yeah and what's your favorite thing ?
-Your lips
-ahaha really ?
-Yeah I think you're a good kisser
We both end our cigarettes and go to bed
-Jane. He whispers in my ear
-I can't sleep
-I'm a little bit nervous about the cavern club
-Oh really?
-don't worry about it, you already did it before
-Yeah you're right
I kissed him gently and tried to sleep again
I woke up with a kiss of John which wasn't bad hehe.
-Hi Love it's 11am
-Really already?
-Yes and you need to wake up now
-Ahhhh why is life so hard?
-The guys called and they asked if we're gonna come to meet apparently their girlfriends so I said that we were gonna come.
-Umm okay let's get ready
John went in the kitchen and I took a beautiful dress and tried it :

-Perfect!I came in the kitchen and John looked at me -Are you gonna wear that ?-Yeah why ?-You're gonna be the prettiest girl -ahah thank youI sat in front of John and we ate breakfast: cornflakes and milk ***After being on the road for 1 hour we ...

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I came in the kitchen and John looked at me
-Are you gonna wear that ?
-Yeah why ?
-You're gonna be the prettiest girl
-ahah thank you
I sat in front of John and we ate breakfast: cornflakes and milk
After being on the road for 1 hour we were at a beautiful house, George's house.
We got out of the car and I met Pattie Boyd, she's really nice and I also met Maureen Tigrett and Paul has actually nobody.
After drinking tea and just discussing with everyone I noticed that Paul wasn't there so I went outside and Paul was sitting on the stairs in front of the door.
-Hi Paul
-Oh hi Jane
-What are you doing here ?
-Just imagining things
-Things like ?
-Like having a girlfriend
-You deserve a perfect girl
-I don't want a... I mean yes but where can I find one?
-Everywhere there's just fans
-A fan can be the kind of girl that you want
-Really ?
-Yeah off course
-Where did you and John met really?
-When y'all came in my city
-And he fell in love like that
-Love is beautiful but sometimes hard to find,
I hope that you're gonna find the girl of you dreams soon Paul
-Thank you a lot Jane
-You're welcome, now do you want to come with us ?
I stand up and we come back with everyone
-What were you doing outside? Asks George
-Nothing she just helped me
We said goodbye to everyone and now we're back at home.
-I'm gonna take a shower do you want to come with me ? I asked him like he did yesterday
-Maybe umm no I think I'm gonna smoke at the window
-Alright hehe
I take my shower and when I get out with my towel John looks at me from the window
-Oooh interesting
-I'm just joking ahah
He came closer and closer until he had his arms around my waist.

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