Chapter 6 Teddy Boy

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John looked at me in the eyes and he kissed me.
-We need to be in the cavern club in 1 hour
-Oh shit you're right
I took a black skirt, a gray shirt and leather boots and I went downstairs with my blue guitar .
-I love you so much like that
-You're not like the wise little girl you're like the perfect bad girl now
-ahaha this is my real me.
- Let's go now
-Yeah uh wait so I'll have to change now
-Because if you're the true you I shall be the real me if you know what I'm talking about hehe
-Yeah John!
He went quickly upstairs and came back with a leather jacket,his black shirt,black pants and leather boots
-Teddy boy John is back ?
-Let's go then
We walked to the cavern with our guitars like two teenagers. And we came inside the cavern club .
-John Lennon and Jane Trave?
-You're on stage in 30 minutes
-Alright Thank you
We worked on our songs but we were ready so we just waited until It was the moment for us.
-Now Please Welcome John who came back here with his girlfriend Jane and tonight they're gonna play together here at the cavern club John Lennon and Jane Trave everyone !!!!
We went on stage and we just heard the crazy fans screaming.I'm not used to that.John took the microphone and said
-Hey everyone so now I'm here with my girlfriend Jane, everyone please be nice tonight because it's her first time playing on stage.
Everyone was already crazy before we even started playing.
-So We're gonna start by A taste of honey!
A taste of honey
Tasting much sweeter
Than wine

I dream of your
First kiss and then
I feel upon
My lips again
A taste of honey
Oh, I will return
Yes, I will return
I'll come back (She'll come back)
For the honey (For the honey)
And you.

When I stopped singing everyone was quiet and suddenly they all went crazy again, I think they liked it.
I looked at John and in his eyes I could see that he was proud.
And we did we continued with all the other songs on our list:
Do you want to know a secret
All I've got to do
Till there was you
You really got a hold on me
Every little thing
And we finished by doing Roll Over Beethoven which was so cool.
And after the show we came back home like if nothing happened.
-Oh my god Jane Trave !
He said when he sat on the couch
-You never played on a stage before? You're amazing !
-Thank you but I was just having fun
-ahah well now do you want to take a shower before I take one ?
-Yes please
I went in the shower and he waited with a cigarette and then I dressed and he went in the shower.
He came back with his towel and nothing else.
-You're still doing it
-Oh yeah sorry
-It's not a problem, I mean not for me.
I looked at him in the eyes and I bit my lips.
-Oohh interesting...

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