Halloween Special

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It was October 31st in the town of Kuoh, the people who lived in this town were getting themselves ready to celebrate the Holiday, wheather it would be trick-or-treating, parties, or simply sitting in their homes and watching Horror Movies.

However, for a certain pair of Devil Hunters, this night was going to be a busy night, in the newly rebuilt Devil May Cry office Luna was watching the Halloween Special for Invader Zim, where Monsters from an alternate world wanted to use Dib's big head to get into the normal world, as Luna watched the TV, (Y/N) came out of the shower, washing away the sweat of the day, Halloween was usually one of their busier nights.

At the Devil may Cry Office, (Y/N) was just walking out of the bathroom after having a shower, he was drying his hair with a towel, not noticing Luna look back at him and blush as she looked at his half dressed body, then the phone rang, breaking Luna out of her daydream and making her quickly turn her head back towards the TV, while (Y/N) picked up the phone.

"Devil May Cry... alright, give me the details" (Y/N) said as he wrote down something on a piece of paper.

"Alright, no sweat, consider the job done!" (Y/N) said before he hung up the phone, then walked over to tell Luna about their new job.

"Hey Luna, we just got a Job, what're you watching?" (Y/N) asked as he walked over and leaned on the back of the sofa Luna was sat on, looking at the TV screen to see what show she was watching.

On the screen, the ending to the Men in Black animated series was playing, it was the episode where J accidentally killed a Scraldian, and ended up with lots of them trying to kill him.

"Ah, a classic! These shows are the best, don't you think?" (Y/N) said as he hopped over the back of the sofa, landing on the comfy seat next to Luna.

"Mhm... what are the details...?" Luna asked, (Y/N) explained the details of the job, when the intro for another episode played on the TV.

"Hey Luna..." (Y/N) said as he smiled, an idea coming to his mind, to add some fun to the job.

"Hm?" Luna asked as she turned her head to (Y/N), she saw the look on his face, and wondered what he was planning.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" (Y/N) responded, pointing to the TV screen, Luna looked at it and saw Agent L and Zed at the Alien Line up, then she grew a smile on her face.

"Let's do it!" she said excitedly, making (Y/N) chuckle as they got up to go out and buy themselves their costumes.


Meanwhile, over at the residence of Issei Hyoudou, Asia was getting herself ready to go out with Issei and get herself a Halloween Costume, followed up with some trick-or-treating, something she hadn't had the chance to do in her childhood since she lived isolated in the Church, and the Priests and Nuns always told her it was an evil day that was forbidden in the Church.

"Issei! Are you ready to go help me get a Halloween Costume?" Asia asked as she smiled at Issei, though, she did wish she could hang out with (Y/N) and Luna too.

"Oh, Asia, yeah, let's go and find you a sexy costume to show off your-" Issei said, as he gave a perverted smile, imagining having Asia wear something very revealing.

"Oh, Issei~" came a sultry voice, Issei and Asia looked around and their eyes went wide in surprise, Rias was standing there, wearing a very revealing Devil costume, it seemed like her assets were ready to bust out of her top!

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