James Mcavoy

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Requested: Yes

Warnings: No

Word Count: 602


I sighed as I flipped through the channels on tv. Lately, I've been home alone a lot, because James is movie press tours. I don't blame him it's his job and he loves what he does and I am supporting him for 100%. I know he misses me and wants to be with me, but his agent doesn't want it because i can cause 'distracion' which James was mad about but I told him that he doesn't need to worry which he totally does, but after a few talks I talked it into him. I got a text from my best friend, asking if I could come with her for dinner and a movie. I agreed and quickly got changed and

I sighed and put my key in the door and twisted it. It was past 12 and I was dead tired. I was also sad because I haven't heard from James all day. I closed the door behind me, and walked to the dining room and put my bag on the table.

''Don't I get a hello from my girlfriend anymore?'' I heard a beautifully scottisch voice say. I froze and slowly turned around. When my body wa fully turned, I saw him. The love of my life.

''James!'' I yelled and jumped in his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. He stumbled back a bit, and laughed a little, and hugging me back.

''I missed you'' He whispered. I felt my heart swell.

''I missed you too'' I whispered. After what felt like an eternity, I let go of him.

''What are you doing home? I thought you-'' I was cut off by soft lips being pressed against mine. I smiled and kissed him back.

''I have 3 weeks off'' He said as he pulled away and stroked my hair.

''Why didn't you tell me?'' I asked.

''It wouldn't be a suprise anymore then was it?'' He joked. Before i could something, he turned me around and put his hands over my eyes.

''James, what are you doing?'' I giggled and put my hands over his.

''I've got a suprise for you darling'' He whispered and kissed my cheek and led me to the living room.

When we got there he uncovered my eyes.

''Open your eyes darling'' He said and I did. When I opened them, I saw a quite big box.

''What's in there?'' I asked.

''Go and open it'' He said and kissed me. I smiled and walked to the box. I undid the lid, and opened the lid. I gasped and smiled.

''A puppy!'' I squealed and picked it up.

''But James why?'' I said as the puppy licked my face, waggling it's tail. He walked over to me, and petted the dog's head

''Because I felt bad for leaving you home all alone and I figured out if I got you this puppy, you wouldn't feel alone'' He said sadly. I smiled and put the puppy on the couch and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I pulled away and stroked his hair and cheek.

''James you don't need to feel bad about it. I do miss you like crazy but I have my best friend and my mom and I call you everytime so don't need to worry'' I assured.

''I love you so much'' He said and kissed me. His hands travelled to my butt, but before he could reach it, the puppy begin to bark. We laughed and I turned around and picked the puppy up.

''What it's his name?'' James asks.

''Lightening'' I said. He barked and licked our faces. We laughed and we cuddled all night with Lightning.

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