Chapter Seven

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After getting myself ready for the showing, Serilda and I drove to her house for her to get ready but something was bothering her I could tell by the way that she was acting.

"Is everything okay?" I asked her as we pulled up to the house.

"Yeah just thinking of what I'm going to wear tonight."

"Well whatever you choose you're still going to be the most beautiful girl in the room. Not to mention, everyone will be staring at you with my drawings."

Serilda smiled and rolled her eyes. She got into the shower as I waited in the living room. I pulled out my phone and Googled Serilda's dad to find out some more on her family. Parker Family Bisbee, Arizona. A whole bunch of articles pulled up. Their was a video of the news crew that was on scene to the farm. I started to watch it.

"Police have arrived here at the Parker residents as connection to the disappearance of Kimberly Ashton daughter of Sherrif Alan Ashton. Kimberly went missing about two weeks ago coming home from a party with her friends. Police have tried to enter the property but the Parker family have shot deputy Carson Little. Little was transported to the hospital for his injuries. Police have tried to negotiate with the Parker family to get everyone out safely. If you look behind me you can see that someone is leaving the house right now hands are in the air. It's.. it's a teenage girl walking out. She looks scared, oh my she's, she's covered in blood. We have more people coming out. They all have their hands up. The girl is crying. It is not the daughter of the Sherrif. Police have the men in custody. I will have more on the story as it unfolds."

The video ended. The girl that walked out was Serilda. Who's blood was on her? I heard the shower turn off. I cleared my history of searching Serilda's family. About fifteen minutes later, Serilda walked down the stairs wearing a tight black dress that went just over knees with gray heels. Her makeup was subtle it was just enough for her. Her hair was done up in a nice tight bun with some loose strains hanging down around her face. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Wow. You look amazing." I said awestruck

"Oh why thank you." She said as she pecked me on the lips.

"We should get going. Don't want to be late for my first show."

I took Serilda's hand and led her to the car. I opened the door for her and shut it when she got in. I climbed into the car and made my way to Artisan Village of Coolidge. The drive was steady and we mostly listened to music and talked as we giggled. Serilda was learning to be more comfortable around me as she danced dorkly to the music. Arriving at the art museum, Serilda helped me to unload my drawings and carry them inside. My art professor had an area set up for me and helped us as we hung them up. Soon, people started flooding the museum and taking glances at my art work. These people were rich and also my ticket into the art scene. I made some conversation with some of them and noticed that Serilda felt out of place. I knew that people weren't her scene. Assuring her it was okay, I put my arm around her waist and started talking to other people with her beside me.

"How old were you when you decided that you wanted to be an artist?"  A woman who was too fancy for me asked

"I was about six and just started drawing and making myself better each time."

"I wish my husband loved me as much as you do her. These are incredible you've captured her beauty in more ways than one."

"Hello, sorry to interrupt, but may I have a word with Mr. Denfeld here?" My art instructor asked.

"Of course dear." The woman said walking away

"All if your drawings of Serilda have been bought."

"What? That's incredible. Who?" I stammered excited

"Yeah, who would want to look at me all the time? These people don't even know me." Serilda said

"That man, right there, he said she has a beauty like no other."

We turned and it was him. Serilda's dad had bought all of theses drawings. He had a smirk on his face. I could feel Serilda shaking under me. She wasn't showing it on her face, but she was scared.

"Serilda hello darling. And hello to you too Fletcher Denfeld."

"How did you find out about this?" Serilda asked through gritted teeth.

"Serilda, you and I both know that I can find out anything involving you."

His words sent chills down my spine. I knew what this man was capable of doing and I'll be damned if he was to lay a finger on Serilda.

"I think these drawings will make a great deal to the collection, don't you think Serilda?"

"I think it's time for you to leave. And never come back."

"Wouldn't you and Fletcher here like to join us for dinner?"

"Us?" I questioned and looked around and saw the men that I had seen in the news video come around the corners.

"Don't want to put up a fight in front of all these people, do you Serilda?"

I looked at Serilda and saw panic in her eyes. She grabbed me by my hand and led me as we followed her father out of the building and into the car waiting for us. I saw a younger woman and male in the front seat. I haven't seen them before.

"Serilda, don't be rude. Introduce your boyfriend to your siblings, after all, we're all family here."

"Serilda isn't family. She left she's the reason you all went to prison." The boy said

"Listen Cole, she made a mistake and now she has to own up to it."

"I say we just fucking kill her." The girl said

"Wanna try to kill me bitch? We both know that no matter how many hours you train, you can never beat me." Serilda said livid

"Serilda and Clarisse, that is enough. Let's be nice to our special guest of honor."

I looked at Serilda and her hand tightned on mine harder as we drove into the night. I looked at her father and he had an evil grin on his face.

"Want to know the back story to how our great family came to be Mr. Denfeld?"

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