Chapter Thirteen

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I watched as Thomas started to get the cabin ready. 

"I need you to go and get my family. I need my brothers, my daughter, my son. Find them and bring them to me. Wreck havoc if you must." Thomas instructed.

With that said, the demons started to leave one by one. Soon, it was just Thomas and myself. I was sitting back in the chair tied up again. Thomas started talking to himself. This man was going crazy.

"If they bring me my family, I know that I will be able to defeat them. I know where she went. It's what her mother did at first as well. I don't know why the spell didn't have an affect on Serilda. The family member that betrayed us was Serilda. What do you mean someone else has? The baby..." Thomas stopped talking and looked at me.

"I will not die. Not tonight. Not ever. I have served you well, I have sacrificed my life to commit to you." 

My eyes widened as he looked into the mirror but it wasn't Thomas in the reflection. It was Him, the Devil himself looking back. Thomas wasn't talking to himself, he was having a conversation with the Devil. I almost fell out of my chair, as a smile spread across his face. I was now starting to wish that I would have listened to Erica that night, that I would have never walked over to Serilda and talked to her.  I wish that I wouldn't have fallen for her like I did. I wish that I would've went home to my mothers to see her for Christmas and the New Year. Thomas walked over to me and bent down to my level.

"The past can never change Fletcher, you can sit here and wish that you would've never made the walk over to Serilda. Shit happens, and now here you are." 

A couple of hours passed, I looked over to the door and saw the demons and the family pile into the cabin. Clarisse gave Thomas a hug and looked at her uncles with a huge smile on her face. 

"Where's Cole?" Thomas asked

"We can't find him. It's like he vanished. We also can't seem to locate Serilda either." One of his brothers said.

"The only way to be off the radar of demons is to have a spell on you, or be inside of a church. Serilda doesn't have the book so she can't do any spells unless she's memorized them. I talked to Him earlier. He said that one of my family members will betray me. I thought He was talking about Serilda, but he may have been talking about Cole."

"Dad, you might want to come see this." Clarisse said looking out of the window.

"Let's get Fletcher to his area. We have no time to spare. They're here, they're going to fight. Cole has been with the church. No one stands down. Some will die, but we need Serilda, she won't know what's about to hit her."

Two of the demons picked up my chair and took me to the roof of the cabin and sat me there holding me. The spell that Thomas had on around the house, started to vanish from the bottom up as they all walked out onto the lawn. Serilda stood her ground and looked up at me, then to Alan, Erica and the men around her. No sign of Cole, maybe Thomas was wrong.

"Give up Serilda, you won't win. You have no idea what you are bringing these innocent people into." Thomas threatened 

"Since when did you ever care about innocent people Thomas?"

"We can avoid this Serilda, just surrender and we will let Fletcher and everyone go no harm, no foul."

"You're lying right through your teeth Thomas. I know your plan. Once you get me, you'll kill Fletcher and force me to marry Him. I refuse to do as you want."

Thomas looked up at me, then back at Serilda and started laughing. 

"Laugh all you want Thomas, but I'm not leaving here until your body is in a bag." 

"I will never die Serilda. You see, I'm different from my father and grandfather, I have done more to serve him than any of them did. I gave him more sacrifices combined than the other two."

"Do you think he really cares about that? How many souls you gave him?"


When Thomas had said that, the sky started to turn black,  and the wind started to blow. More demons started to come out of the woods surrounding the cabin. Serilda turned around, and that's when more people came walking up to the cabin, Cole leading them. 

"Cole, you betrayed me and Him."

"I did what was right. After that day I went hunting with you, I knew this was not the life for me. You could only brainwash Clarisse and Mom. I would like to think I'm a pretty good actor."

Cole stood next to Serilda. Everyone got into a fighting stance. I needed to get down there. I needed to help Serilda. The demons seemed to get distracted and got a little to excited about the fight about to unfold. I threw the chair back and broke it. I caught myself before I fell. One of the demons grabbed me. I kicked the other one off of the roof and headbutted the one that had a hold against me. It fell off the roof and I stood there looking down at everyone with the lighting flashing behind me. 

"NO." Thomas screamed.

The rain had started to downpour and the roof became slippery. Demons started to crawl up the roof, I looked down at Serilda. I jumped off of the roof, rolling as I did. I got up and started to run over to Serilda. Thomas grabbed me. He held me from getting to her. 

"How would you feel, if I just..." 

Thomas was interrupted as lightning hit a tree crashing into the cabin. I saw that as my chance to run over to Serilda. Getting to her, I looked her in the eyes. 

"We need to fight." I said 

Serilda nodded her head and handed me a dagger. Thomas looked over at us, then he started charging. 

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