Chapter 20: Amnesia Sucks

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"Okay so if I have amnesia, what am I supposed to do? Sit around while grandpa over here tries to fix me?"

Blonde Superman gave you a shocked look. "(Y/N)! Do not say that stuff! You're six years old for god's sake." The rest of the surrounding members of your "family" were snickering and going red in the face.

The man you dubbed cool dad bit his lip and put his hand on your uncool dads shoulder. "Steve, they don't get it."

You jumped off the examination table and made your way around the room. "I don't remember any of you but I like the attitude of the green horned dude. So I'm gonna go hang out with him." You looked up at Loki and he smiled down at you before walking out with you.

The rest of the team watched him in disbelief as he was actually showing affection for someone without the intent of using them.

~a few days later~

Your memory had come back in bits in pieces as the days past. You could remember that Bruce and Natasha had taken care of you most of your life and they had been your favorites. Bruce started to let you stay with him at nights since you got scared and didn't want to be alone. Natasha offered to take you and let Bruce have a day off but you started to cry and wouldn't let her take you...Even though she never meant any harm.

You couldn't explain why you didn't want to be alone with her or Wanda...They would be very angry with you.

Bruce had left for a couple hours with the rest of the team for a small mission outside of New York, and nobody could stay behind to watch you. They, stupidly, never thought about calling a babysitter to watch you.

As you layed in the living room watching TV and clapping along to the FRIENDS theme song, your face started to go blank. Blinking, you saw yourself lying on the couch with the fallen expression of abandonment on your face. Looking around you could see everything around you, you wanted to reach out and touch it...but it might fade away.

This had happened before, it happened when you were very young when you thought your stuffed duck was gone forever. Depersonalization. You couldn't feel yourself thinking. You wanted to scream out for help and in fear, this was hell for you.

The voices that lived in your head drowned out any other thing in the room. Physically you had called them your friends, but they were less than that. Manifestations of your most haunting nightmares. The times you were experimented on in your mothers womb, the day that you were kidnapped, the times you got bullied. It all manifested into people. Three to be exact, they were called Harlem, Wednesday, and Warhol. Wednesday was the most tolerable of the bunch. Their form did the least amount of damage to you. Harlem and Warhol wreaked havoc on you and your mental state.

It lasted for hours. The TV has stopped playing and you paced the room while your physical form laid on the couch in despair. The phantomistic form was shaking and crying from the constant abuse from the three forms that haunted you.

The phantom you looked at the opening door and you could see Bruce and Natasha walk in, they called out to you. Physical you nonresponsive, phantom you screaming out to them, though they didn't hear you. Their emotionfilled faces dropped. Bruce saw your body on the couch and ran over to you and started to shake you. The words distorted.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) come back to me!" You weren't aware of how long it took you to come back to reality, but once you did you saw Bruce, Natasha and the rest of the team looking at you worriedly before you burst into tears.

"B-B-Bruce they- they h-h-hurt me!" He picked you up and held you close to his body.

"Shhh, it's okay. It's all over now...Just take a deep breath." In your tear glazed over eyes, you saw your dads. Memories of your past six years of life flooded back into your brain and made you scream.

"Daddy!" You choked out and Bucky grabbed you and held onto you tightly. "D-Daddy I-I'm s-s-so s-sorry!"

"Its okay Squirt, daddy's not mad at you...I'll never be mad at you." He sighed and ran his hand over your back and tried to calm you down.

The rest of the team had tears in their eyes as they all dispersed to leave you alone with your parents.

a/n Hey guys...I haven't wrote in a while.  but I said I would come back eventually. and I'm trying. I'll explain more about Warhol, Harlem, and Wednesday in the next chapter hopefully. and I'm not trying to mess anything up.

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