Just A Look Around

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Words: 2448

The famous Shouta Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada had been a couple for quite some time before the loud blond suggested to adopt a child. Shouta could not have argued more with his significant other that day. Aizawa could barely handle his own class of kids, never mind raise one of his own.

He also didn't want the child to live a dysfunctional life. Living with two pro heroes as parents could make for the child to be alone with a nanny most of their life, and Shouta didn't want that. As much as the hero couldn't stand children, he still cared deeply for them.

Eventually, after much begging and convincing (and tantrum throwing), Present Mic and Eraser Head made their way out of their house and to a local orphanage to take a look around.

Present Mic earned much attention from the little children. A tsunami of small kids raced passed Aizawa to his husband behind him. Frankly, he was okay with that. As an underground hero, he never favored being under the spotlight. Especially if the spotlight included crying and whiny toddlers staring him down.

Whilst among the sea of children, the male spotted a girl coloring by herself in the far corner of the room. The (H/C) haired girl looked about five years old and wore a bright blue hoodie that could of fit a elephant. As Shouta could tell from the cover, the pages consisted of the out lines of different pro heroes.

The sight of the quiet girl tugged at the man's lips and created a slight smile across the sour hero's face. While beginning to make his way over to the girl, a group of older boys had marched their way in front of (H/C)-ette. Aizawa paused in his tracks, confusion filled his mind. He watched from afar to see how it would play out.

The leader of the group was an eleven year old boy with caramel colored skin and dark hair. He plucked the yellow crayon from her hand and held it above her head while one of his goonies kicked the girl onto her side. A cold snarl replaced the kind smile on his features. His hands clenched into knuckles and he marched over to the group.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" The older male demanded the younger boys. They froze in their tracks and turned around to see the equivalent to a hungry lion eyeing a herd of gazelles. Wordlessly they scrambled off, pushing one another aside to get the farthest away from the intimidating man as possible.

Aizawa sighed in frustration, glaring at the boys as they ran a while for their dear lives. He turned back to the girl who was picking up the pack of crayons the boys had spilt. Kneeling down to her level, he glanced at the open coloring book. An unfinished coloring of an awfully familiar smiling blond. He looked back up to see the girl rummaging through the box. He noticed a stick of yellow by his foot, looking at it, he discovered it was the same crayon she was using before she had gotten attacked. Picking it up he forced a small smile to spread across his lips.

"Were you looking for this?" He asked gently, holding out the coloring utensil. The girl looked up at him to reveal bright (E/C) orbs. She eyed the crayon and smiled brightly, then took it and picked up the coloring book.

"Thank you, Mister!" She praised before getting back to work on her masterpiece. Shouta found himself staring at the paper as the crayon glided across leaving a trail of yellow that created the hero's hair. Before he could think, he spoke to her.

"You know, I know him," he informed pointing to the piece of artwork in her hands. The little girl's face lit up and looked up at Aizawa. Her face was full of hope, it melted Shouta's cold heart.

"You do?! Wow, that's awesome!" She exclaimed. Her (E/C) eyes sparkled with happiness and cheer. Once again, the man's lips moved before his brain could act.

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