Chapter 16

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Author POV

Today is the beginning of the training camp for class 1-A and 1-B, class 1-A is currently sitting in their bus and are nearing the first stop. Lincoln and Mina sit side by side and cuddle each other.

The bus stops at a cliff and class 1-A gets out, there is another car at the slope. The doors open and come out two heroes and a child. A woman with brown hair and a woman with blond hair go into a pose and say "We are the Wild Wild Pussycats!" While most are out of the class, shocked, Aizawa explains, "These are the pussycats, they will help us this time, the one with the blond hair is Pixie-Bob and the one with the brown one is Mandalay"

 A woman with brown hair and a woman with blond hair go into a pose and say "We are the Wild Wild Pussycats!" While most are out of the class, shocked, Aizawa explains, "These are the pussycats, they will help us this time, the one with the blond ...

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Midoriya goes into his fanboy mode and says "The four-man team that put together an agency! These are veterans who specialize in mountain rescue! They have nearly twelve-"

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Midoriya goes into his fanboy mode and says "The four-man team that put together an agency! These are veterans who specialize in mountain rescue! They have nearly twelve-"

Pixie-Bob does not seem to like what Midoriya wanted to say, grabs his face and says, "In the heart I'm 18!" She repeats it again to make sure Midoriya has checked it "In the heart I am?" Midoriya finishes the sentence "18" Kirishima and Kaminari think, "Is she so desperate?"

Mandalay points to the forest and says, "This whole area is our property. Your accommodation is at the foot of the mountain." While the others are worried about what's going to happen, Lincoln says, "Get ready for the fall." Mandalay says "We have it now 9:30 in the morning, if you hurry, you're there at 12 o'clock." Class 1-A is thrown down the slope, only one flies a little further than expected.

Mandalay screams from the slope "You have three hours, walk to your accommodation on your own legs! Directly through the forest of the magic beasts." Modriya asks "Forest of magical beasts ?!" Kaminari says "This name could be stolen from dragon quest!" Jiro says, "Always the same with Yuuei." Kirishima tries to get rid of his clothes and says "Complaining brings nothing, we have to go."

Mina looks around and sees someone missing "Uh guys, where is Lincoln?" The rest also looks around and sees that Lincoln is not there, Midoriya yells "Aizawa sensei, Lincoln has disappeared!" Mandalay says, "How did that happen?" Aizawa sighs and says "Mandalay could you send a message that he can somehow show where he is?" Mandalay nods and sends a message "Lincoln, could you please show us where you are?" Very far in the distance a sand pillar comes in sight, and when I say far in the distance I mean on the other side of the forest. Aizawa asks, "How did he land there?"

Pixie Bob asks "Should we pick him up?" Aizawa shakes his head and loudly says that the class can hear it "Lincoln can do that, Pixie Bob send some of your monsters to him." Pixie Bob is silent and says nothing, Mandalay asks worried "What's up?" Pixie Bob says "I've already sent some monsters to him and he already destroyed ten."

Class 1A is just the first time one of the besties, Koda tries to talk to the creature, but it does not react because it is a product of Pixie-Bob's quirk. Through teamwork, class A manages to get through many of the beasts and fight through the forest.

When class A arrives at the lodging, the sun is setting, each one of them is exhausted and Pixie-Bob says "Honestly, you were faster than expected, you've come to terms with the earth beasts better than we expected

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When class A arrives at the lodging, the sun is setting, each one of them is exhausted and Pixie-Bob says "Honestly, you were faster than expected, you've come to terms with the earth beasts better than we expected." She looks around and sees that Lincoln is still missing, she says "But one is still missing." Mina looks scared and says, "I hope Lincoln is fine." For the moment, Lincoln is coming out of the forest with Miu in their big shape, the two of them are not really looking out of breath.

Lincoln goes to his class and says "Sorry, would have been there faster, but have found a beautiful lake and went for a swim." His class drops anime style on the floor and Momo asks, "How many of those beasts have you defeated?" Lincoln puts his hand on his chin and says, "I would say that I and Miu together have defeated a hundred of them, alone I have defeated seventy-five." The class, Mandalay and Pixie Bob can not believe it, he has defeated one hundred of the beasts and stands there as if it was nothing.

Pixie-Bob comes out of her shock status and says, "You have skill, especially you five:" She points to Iida, Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Lincoln, she says, "You have experience, I want to see you in three years, me mark my territory. " Pixie Bob approaches the five and Lincoln says, "Well, I'm already taken, that's why ... bye." Lincoln dodges while the others are spit on by Pixie-Bob.

Midoriya asks, "I wonder all the time, to which of you two does the boy belong?" He points to the boy with the cap with horns, Mandalay declares, "This is Kota my nephew, come on, welcome them, they will stay one week." Midoriya walks up to him and says, "Hello, I'm Izuku Midoriya from Yuuei High School, I'm glad." He holds out his hand, but is greeted with a punch in his scrotum, Iida catches Midoriya and says, "Why are you hitting Midoriya in his scrotum ?!"

" He holds out his hand, but is greeted with a punch in his scrotum, Iida catches Midoriya and says, "Why are you hitting Midoriya in his scrotum ?!"

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Kota turns his head to the side and says "I do not want to have anything to do with people who want to become heroes." Lincoln looks worried at Kota and says softly, "What happened in your life that you do not like heroes?"

After eating, everyone goes into the hot springs to take a bath, but Mineta tries to get to the girls but is stopped by Kota, but he has fallen down the wall, luckily Midoriya has managed to catch Kota and has taken him to Mandalay. Lincoln sighs and says to Mineta "You should finally leave your perverted side behind you." Mina says "I would not mind if you come over to me, Lincoln ~"

Lincoln's head blushes and goes into the water, while Mineta shouts at him, "Damn you!" Kaminari says, "I'd like to come over." Before he can do anything he gets grabbed by Lincoln and he says while cracking his knuckels "If somebody will see their body someday, I'll be that, get it, Kaminari ?!" He nods his head up and down while the others think, "Damn, Lincoln can be scary." While Mina says softly just so that the girls hear it "My hero with the fennec ears"

To be continued.

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