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We all sit in Father's office as we watch the news from the outside world. We always watch the news with Father after dinner. Shuri, T'Challa, and I. It's kind of become a tradition for us.

But this time it's different. It happened all of a sudden.

A man has attacked some people in Germany. But it wasn't just any old attack and it wasn't just any man.

We watch a shaky cell phone video as a man dressed in green with oily black hair stand over a crowd of kneeling people. His clones stand around the crowd keeping them in one area. He wears a helmet with horns sticking out of the front.

I practically lay on the sofa, my muscles aching from training. Shuri is sitting at my feet tinkering with an invention of hers. We don't take our eyes off the holographic image.

Father sits at his desk, T'Challa sitting across from him. Their eyes don't move off the holographic image. Even Mother has joined us, sitting in Father's other chair, not taking her eyes off the image.

My brain aches with recognition. I know that man. Where do I know that man?

An elderly man stands up to Green Man. He prepares to fire on the old man but is stopped by a man dressed in red, white, and blue. The Captain of America. He tosses his shield at Green Man.

"What a waste of vibranium." Shuri scuff, shaking her head. "Just to make a dinner plate."

"It's supposed to be a shield," T'Challa argues. He's eighteen now, officially a man. Lately, he's been shadowing Father, learning to rule Wakanda for when he is to take the throne. I just hope it's not soon.

"It's a frisbee," I argue, watching as the shield returns to its owner before he's knocked over by Green Man.

"Why is he even dressed in such bright colors? Isn't he supposed to be a soldier? His uniform is too bright for war." T'Challa questions.

"It's because he's American," I answer with a chuckle. T'Challa laughs at me, an inside joke between us.

"Hush." Father shushes us. He doesn't like it when we talk while he works, too distracting. He's hunched over his papers but still watches the news with his full attention.

Suddenly a man in a bulky red and gold suit blasts down from the sky. The Man of Iron. He fires a blast at Green Man, knocking him over. "I could make a better suit than that," Shuri states, returning to her work.

"Of course you could Shuri." Father agrees. Of course she could, there's no doubt about that. I mean, Shuri has just discovered her talent in inventing and science but already she's better than our most experienced scientist.

The video ends with the Captain of America and the Man of Iron arresting Green Man. We watch a shaken newscaster read off her papers, explaining to anyone who's just tuning in on what has just happened.

"Father," Shuri says as the video replays from a different angle. "Will that man come here?"

"No Shuri. Didn't you just see, he was arrested by Captain American and Anthony Stark. He will not be coming to Wakanda anytime soon." Father explains as he gestures to the video, showing Green Man being knocked down again.

"I feel like I know that man," I mutter to myself. I feel Mother and Father's eyes fall on me, but they don't question further. They have been worried about me since I was nine. I know.

"Well, it is getting late." Mother interrupts. She stands up, gesturing to Shuri. "Time for a certain nine-year-old to go to bed."

Shuri sits bolt upright. "But-"

"No," Mother says sternly, shaking her head. "I let you stay up this late, now it's time to go to bed."

"I'm getting kind of tired anyway," I say as I struggle to stand. Shuri nods her head as she stands. It's become common knowledge that whatever I do and wherever I go, Shuri will follow. No one knows why. Probably big sister magic or something.

"Ulala kakuhle kwaye ubenamaphupha aswiti." Goodnight and sweet dreams. Father calls as we leave his office.

"Busuku benzolo." Goodnight. T'Challa says.


"So, what do you think would have happened if that man attacked Wakanda?" Shuri asks. She's currently sitting on my bed, still tinkering with her little invention.

"I don't know, he'd probably be dead," I say with a shrug, exiting my bathroom. I point a finger at her and the scattered pieces of her work. "Don't leave any of that in my bed. Last time you left a screw and it stabbed me in the arm."

"I won't," Shuri mutters as I watch a couple of wires and screws get buried under my blankets. I release an aggravated sigh and shake my head. "What do you think will happen to that man?"

"I don't know," I say with another shrug. I make my way to my little sofa as Shuri's invention releases a series of loud pops. "They'll probably lock him up somewhere. Try and make a deal with him." I watch as a little puff of smoke rises from her invention. "What are you making, and should I be worried about my bed?"

"It's fine," Shuri says with a wave of her hand, not looking up at me.

"You should know by now that I don't trust you whenever you say, 'It's fine.'" I inform her as the door to my champers opens. Mother enters with a stern look on her face, her hands on her hips.

"Shuri, you are supposed to be in bed."

"But Mother." Shuri whines.

"Now!" Mother snaps. Shuri gathers most of her work and slowly shuffles to the door. Mother doesn't turn around as she follows me to my bed, helping me clear out the pieces Shuri missed. "And by the time I get down there, you better be asleep!"

This causes Shuri to run the rest of the way to her room.

"Goodnight Kidara. Ulale kakuhle." Sweet dreams. Mother says as she tucks me into bed.

"Goodnight Mother," I mutter as my eyes flutter shut.  

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