VI | New Tattoo

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"I can't believe I let you talk me into this.


"It is for the best, Jesse."


"And this tattoo is going to be with us fer the rest of our lives."


"And I'll be with you for the rest of your life."

Jesse stopped talking after that. He just sat there and let the guy put the tattoo into his arm. I'm getting mine done as well, the numb feeling not really bothering me all that much. We joined Ashe's stupid gang as a survival tactic. She will now keep us safe. She has already called to explain we have escaped and it was in the direction of not here.

I don't fully know what she's said but I do know we're safe; for now. The downside is we're now indoctrinated into a gang. We have to get the tattoo of their logo on our left arm, but considering I have an entire sleeve tattoo from my wrist to my left pectoral, I'm getting it on my right. Ashe was against it until I explain my dragon spirit and that it showed up on its own and it's not a normal tattoo. It can't be bothered with or it'll anger the dragons. She took my word for it.

"I can't believe out of the two of us you are the one that wanted to join a desert gang." Jesse huffed once we were down, looking at the new skin. "If my mama saw this she'd kill me."

"Well good thing she won't be seeing it." I say, "It's a survival tactic, Jesse. I won't get killed, you won't get killed. We have a place to sleep, food to eat, we're safe."

"Until she decides she wants to go for another ride." He muttered under his breath. "I don't like her, Han. She's pretentious." 

"I understand but look, she's the best we got right now." I say, "I'm not happy about her taking advantage of you either but it is something I will have to swallow for now."

He sighs, "I'm not ready for this." 

"Ah, there you two are." Ashe threw some clothes in our faces. "Get dressed. You can't be walkin' 'round in that city drag."

I look at my clothes, "We were living in a Omnic wasteland for years."  I say, "I wouldn't call that city."

"Regardless. These will let people know you're with us and they won't mess with ya." She explains turning to Jesse. "Hope I got your size right~."

Jesse rolls his eyes, "I'm sure it's fine." He muttered and I just change my shirt right then and there. 

"Holy... it does go all the way over yer tit!" Ashe yells, "Did it hurt?"

"Coming in, a bit. Now? No." I pull on the new shirt, instantly feeling cooler than I was moments before. It was a black and red flannel collared shirt but the left sleeve was cup completely off while the other sleeve was untouched, just showing off the new tattoo on my forearm.

"Figured more people would leave ya along if they saw ya tattoo." Ashe shrugged, "If ya want we can cut the other one off."

"Probably should." I take the shirt off before handing it to her. "I would rather have no sleeves than one."

She shrugs, pulling out a pocket knife before cutting the sleeve off. I turn to Jesse to see he's in the same color flannel, only his isn't just the shirt, it's more like a jacket. The shirt itself has a bunch of symbols of the gang on it and the flannel seems to be a secondary shirt. He looks really good in flannel, regardless the color, but now's not the time to pop a semi.

"Done." Ashe throws it back at me and I place it on. "Now do either of ya know how to drive?"

"Little bit." I say.

"Drove a truck in high school." Jesse shrugs.

"What about a bike?" We stare at each other before shaking our heads."Alright.. guess ya gotta learn. At least one of ya needs to know how to ride a bike."

"I'll do it." Jesse says, "I have a license any how. Han's never driven before."

"Not in the states." I explain.

"Alright ya big hunk of meat, let's go." Ashe grabs his arm and pulls him away from me, leaving me alone with the tattoo artist.

This is going to be a wild ride.

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