IX | Contract

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"Jesse, listen, this is a professional matter and I need you to-"

"Fuck you."

"Hanzo already si-"

"You're not allowed to utter his name. If I wasn't restrained I'd beat your ass like I should have in high school!"

I sigh, watching this unfold from behind the one way glass. Jesse's angry and just confirmed this is the same Gabe from high school. I can't believe I agreed to this mess but if Jesse doesn't, he goes to prison and I think that's arguably worse. 

"Are you sure you can get through to him?" 


"Okay." Jack brings a hand to his ear, "Gabe, leave him alone. Hanzo's going to talk to him.

"Are you sure that-"

"He's positive."

Gabe signs, "Fine."

He comes out here without saying a word to Jesse, closing the door before turning to me with tired looking eyes. He doesn't look like the same Gabe that caused me hell, but then again he did just use the word 'professional' with him so I guess he matured over the last few years.

"He's all yours." He says, "He's exhausting me."

"As he does." I say, opening the door.

"I told you I ain't.. Han." His attitude instantly changes when he sees me. "They didn't hurt ya did they?"

"Not at all." I say, sitting on the table in front of him. "Jack offered me a job. Hot food, hot showers, clean bed to sleep in, custom weapon."

He bites his lip, "Did ya sign it?" I nod my head. "Why? Han that's the same asshole that-"

"I know." I say, "I'm very much aware but, this is the biggest jump we've had. Father last knew we were in Arizona and now we're across the world and in a military base. We're safe here."

"Yeah but, 'e'd be my boss." 

"And by proxy, mine." I say, "I don't like it either but Jesse if you don't do this you go to prison for killing all of those people back in Deadlock. You don't have the option to hold a grudge right now."

He groans, looking away from me. "I don't like this."

"I don't either." I say, getting down to walk over to him and hold his face. "But I don't want you in prison either. I need you with me, Jesse. Not in some maximum security prison. I won't be able to do it otherwise."

He sighs, "Fine, I'll sign the damn paper." He mutters, "Won't like it though."

"I'm not asking you to like it." I give him a soft kiss. "I'm asking you to stay with me."

He sighs, "You're lucky I love ya."

I smile, "I love you too." I say, "Now he's going to come back in here to give you the chance to sign. Please, be professional with him."

"I'll try."

I give him another kiss for encouragement before going back out there. "He'll sign."

"Nice negotiating." Jack says, "Good to know you can talk someone into situations."

"Only with Jesse. Though I never had to do it before. I always talked my way into getting what I want. Did it with Ashe, guess I did it now." 

"Well let me show you were you'll be staying for now." Jack says, walking off. I follow behind, hearing the door behind us open and close. I really hope Jesse keeps it clean and professional. I don't want him to go to jail.

"This is your room." Jack opened the very high tech door. It just slides with a press of a button. "I assume you we will be finding you and Jesse in bed together often?"

"Most likely." I say, "We've shared a bed for the past five years."

"Well, so long as you don't make too much noise, I suppose we can't stop you." He says, "I'll be by sometime today to get you measurements for your uniform. I'll let you relax for today. Welcome to Overwatch."

He closes the door on his way out, allowing me to look around. The bed already looks amazingly comfortable, I have a TV mounted on the wall and a pretty decent closet with a bathroom off to the side. It's a small bathroom but it doesn't need to be big and luxurious. It just needs to work, and I'm sure it does. 

I want to shower now, it's been weeks since i had a nice hot shower, but I don't have clean clothes right now. I'm sure after I get my measurements I can get something to walk around in. Even if it's just shorts and a tank top. Or even medical garb. I do no care. 

I hear the door open again and before I can even open my mouth I'm talked over. "He's going through some, intense things right now." Fucking Gabe. "Since he's in Blackwatch and not Overwatch, Moira likes to do physicals... early."

"Why are you saying it like that?"

He shivers slightly, "Let's just say Mercy warms her hands."

Now I shiver. Poor Jesse. I'll be sure to replace her touch when he gets a free moment. "That's unfortunate."


We're silent for a moment, he doesn't say anything and I have nothing to say. "You may leave now."

"Oh, right, sorry I just.." He sighs, "I'll, see you at training, whenever Jack clears you." 

I don't say anything as he leaves. I don't want to talk to him unless I'm obligated to. This is strictly professional and nothing more. As far as I'm concerned, he can rot.

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