XVIII | Follow up

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"Genji I-"

"Again, Anija." 

Genji's been helping me train, ever since his shoulder got better. He was itching to train but Angela told him no for about three weeks. Now we're sparing like we used to, and he is kicking my ass.

"This is why you were almost killed, twice."

"I do not need the sass, Genji."

"I do not believe I have given you a choice, Hanzo."


Ever since that mission, Genji's been testing me — more than usual. He insists on constant sparring matches and evasive training. Something the Strike Commander allows, for now. Jack doesn't tend to mind what kind of training I do, so long as I don't get killed.

"Your footing is horrendous."


"If you were on the field right now you'd be injured."


"And another thi-"

"Agent Shimada."

Genji and I both turn to the door of the training room to see Angela standing there with a  clipboard in hand. A look on her face that just reads 'oh no, I forgot there are two.'

"Genji Shimada." She corrected herself and Genji stepped forward. "I need to check on your arm"

Genji rolled his metal arm, "Of course." After that mission that ended our father's life, Genji was in need of medical care. Gabe was able to keep him alive until we returned, but Angela was unable to reconnect the nerves in his arm. They were shot, literally. His options were either have no arm or a metal arm. He went with the metal one. 

It's a black stainless steel type of metal that Angela refuses to speak to me about, with red energy like substances flowing through it, like blood-filled veins. It connects at his shoulder and it is his entire arm, fingers and all. It took him some getting used to, but after a few months, he's using it as if he never lost it. His Blackwatch uniform was also changed to accommodate it so he didn't stick out too much.

"We will continue this later, brother."

"Of course we will." 

Genji grinned at me as he left with Angela to get his arm looked at while I just sink down to the ground, exhausted. I knew I was out of practice for ninja training, and since Genji was the new heir, he was also trained to fit that title. Now he is training me. Oh how the tables have turned.

"Hey Darlin', how's trainin'?"

"Exhausting. Genji is kicking my ass."

"I'll kick 'is ass."

I chuckle lightly, "He'll hurt you. He has a metal arm now."

"Tch, like I'll let a piece ahf metal keep me from defendin' mah love." He kneels down to give me a kiss so I didn't have to get up. "Are you on your break?"

"Yes. Angela is checking on his arm."

"So we can escape fer a lil bit 'fore Gabe finds me."

"Why are you hiding from him?"

"He 'ad a meetin'. Normally iz bad 'n he takes it out on me with trainin'. I ain't 'bout ta get shadow thrown 'gain." 

I chuckle lightly, "Then let us go before he finds you."

Without another thought, Jesse picks me up and books it to my room. Reyes never comes in there and if he does, he knocks. We tend to hide out in there so Jesse can avoid Gabe when he's frustrated. 

"How's yer brother copin' with tha arm?"

"It's like he never lost it."

"I don't think I could get that mindset."

"I hope you never have to." I take both of his hands and kiss them, "I like feeling you around me at night."

"I like feelin' ya 'round me at night too~"

I scoff at him and let go of his hands. "Keep speaking like that and you will not be feeling me around you for quite some time."

"Awh, come on, that was funny."

"I am not laughing, Jesse."

"Alright, alright. Just come cuddle."

I agree to lay with him, but do so with a sigh, "What even am I going to do with you?"

"Love me unconditionally~?"

I scoff and roll my eyes playfully, "I suppose I shale." 

He hums, pulling me close to him as I play with his hair. With the threat of my father now at ease, we can finally focus on the missions ahead. I can be at peace with myself, I can be happy. 

I can be free.


And that is the end of BA|LG. Thank you all for reading and for all the likes and comments you've given it! I really enjoyed writing McHanzo but I think it's time for some R76, don't you? ;) See you next time~

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