X | Confrontation

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"I fuckin' hate him."


"He's pushin' my buttons on purpose."


"I'm gonna kill 'im."

I pull Jesse into a forceful kiss. I need him to shut up, calm down, and listen to me. I'm not sure what he's going through but I'm sure he'd handle it so much better if he just calmed down. 

I feel his body relax against me, his arms moving around my waist. I pull back from him, my forehead pressing against his. His eyes are closed, heavy breaths coming from his mouth.


He nods his head, "He's rippin' me apart Han." he whispers, holding onto my face. "It's like he's lookin' for a reason to send me ta prison."

"You gotta control your temper." I run my hand down his back. "You don't want to leave me, do you?"


"Then keep that in your mind. Let that be your drive."

"He's just so-" he sighs, lowering his head to my shoulder, "Exhausting."

I hum, holding him close, "Hasn't changed since high school in that sense."

"He hasn't done anything to you, has he?"

"Doesn't talk to me outside of briefings." I say, "He's not my direct commander, Jack is above him and I answer to him."

He sighs, "Why am I stuck with the asshole."

"Because you killed his men so now he's trying to train you to replace one of them." I say softly, "That's one thing I can agree with him on, you are a damn good shot, Jesse."

"He's going to find out how good I am when I-"

His words go abruptly quiet when someone clears their throat. I glance over to see Reyes standing in the doorway. "Something you wanna say to me, McCree?"

"That depends, how much shit will you put me through for cussing you out?"

Reyes shrugs his shoulders, crossing his arms over his chest, "Permission to speak freely."

It doesn't take Jesse long to take him up on that permission. "You're a piece of shit scumbag who deserves to be beat to an inch of your life, recover, then beat again. The only good thing you ever did was break up with my sister because now she doesn't have to be with a piece of shit rapist!"

"I didn't rape him."

"You wanted to!"

"I was an idiot teenager."

"You're an idiot now if you think I won't let that go."

"I'm not expecting you to." Reyes' eyes go to me briefly, "But what I did as a teenager does not reflect what I do now as an adult. I have grown, I have military responsibilities. I have earned medals, given speeches, buried team mates." his eyes glare at Jesse again. "I don't think about the things I have done, I think of the things that I will do. I will save this world from the Omnics. I will save this world from gangs and organizations like the Shimada clan. I will protect this planet, and I don't need your approval to do it." 

Jesse seems to have lost his ability to speak, and so have I. I never let it cross the things he has probably seen, the choices he had to make, the deaths he had to witness first hand. And yet he still gets up every morning. He keeps going out there, risking everything for this planet. And here we are holding grudges. Now I feel like an idiot.

"Is it out of your system now?" Reyes asks, "Are you going to continue to tell Hanzo how much you want to put a bullet through my head? Because get in line, there's clan and gang leaders who have first dibs."

Before Jesse can reply, Reyes leaves. "He, really laid it out huh?"

"Yeah, I never stopped to think what he went through to even get here." I sigh, "And we're here criminalizing him for someone he was over half a decade ago... I don't know about you but I feel like shit."

"But he put you through trauma." he turns his attention to me. "He forced himself onto you. You came to me crying."

"I know, and I'll never forget that but, holding that against him when he has worse things to worry about... that seems sort of petty."

Jesse lets out a sigh, "Yeah I guess." he sinks into my bed. "I'm ready to sleep."

"Go shower first." I say, "I didn't say anything because you were already mad, but you smell."

He makes a face at me before getting up and going to my bathroom. I sigh and start to get a change of clothes so I can shower after. The shower's too small to join him so I can sit an think for a bit.

What do I do about Gabriel Reyes? 

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