Chapter 6

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Arel: "Let's sit down underneath the Cherry blossom tree."

Hesitantly I follow behind him, sitting slowly onto the ground, back against the rough bark. I cross my legs making sure to cover my front parts from being seen. Staring straight in front of me Arel sits down more gracefully than I.

Arel: "Are you comfortable princess?"

"Yes. The grass is the softest I've ever felt and the garden is truly full of wonderment."

Arel: "What a sweet thing for you to say. Now tell me what do you know about your people?"

"I only know what Xael has told me, which is barely anything. He was trying to protect me."

Arel: "So you know nothing. Forget what your husband told you. Wolves are only loyal to their own."

"First of all, he isn't my husband and second of all that's not true."

Arel: "Do you want my knowledge or not?"

I stay silent, nodding my head slowly. I reach for my hair to twirl around my finger only to find nothing to twirl in comfort.

Arel: "I want to start at the beginning. Our people have been around before any other creatures have roamed this world. Meaning we were here before your precious little werewolf king and all his pack mates, and parents. As elementals we harness our strength from nature. The common people of this kingdom are only born with one power, they can either harness the power of earth, water, air, and fire, respectively. Are you still with me princess?"

"Yes, I'm still listening."

Arel: " Warriors and nobility are born with two powers. They can control two elements. I bet you're wondering what elements you can control?"

"I think I know, but I'm not too sure. I have this connection with the earth....

Arel: "Do not finish that statement. You are royalty, which means you should be able to harness all elements, but you are a half breed. The first of your kind. Half elemental, half human. Until we train, there is no telling what powers you hold. I do know that you need to be seen by the witch. You were bitten by the wolf, so you need to be looked over."

"I don't want to be studied!"

Arel: " In order to figure out your strengths, we must know your weaknesses."

"That makes no sense. You are talking in riddles. Is it so very frustrating. I just want the truth, nothing more, nothing less."

Arel: "You will get used to it. It's not fun just to tell you everything point blank. You have to take the initiative. Someday you will rule this world. Your people will rely on your guidance and leadership. How do attempt to placate them? By telling them you don't know. Man, if your mother could see you now, she would be disappointed to know she created such a weak creature."

"I'm not weak! You are suppose to be my teacher, but instead you are being an ass!"

The ground begins to shake as vines begin to grab out from underneath the plush gress, wrapping quickly around Arel's wrists and ankles, slithering slowly to his neck.

Arel: "Now things have gotten more interesting."

In a blink of an eye the smell of the burning foliage hits my nose, as the vines start to burn at a rapid rate. Arel stands up and dusts ashes off his clothing.

Arel: "So you can only harness your powers when upset. Interesting. Come lets walk and talk some more. Tell me everything weird that has happened within your life and I might have the answers."

He gives me his hand and I grasp it in mine. Warm to the touch, but otherwise flameless. Pulling me up into a standing position I straighten out my dress as I give him a weak smile as an apology for my behavior.

" It has always been a problem of mine, to control my emotions. I can't help the feeling that takes over me. I become a different person. I lash out, to the point I want to kill."

I look over to Arel for some type of expression to read, only to find understanding in his eyes as he continues to listen actively. As we continue down the stone path of the garden, trees on either side of us, a sense of serenity washes over me.

"I've never told anyone that. Not even my mother, did I confide in. The strangest part of it all is that when I am sad, my heart breaks into pieces.... I've brought a person to life before. With my tears of sadness."

He stops moving. Confusion written all over his face.

Arel: "That's not possible. The only people strong enough for that type of magic, are the witches."

"I'm not making this up. It happened."

Arel: " Where is this person now? That you brought back from the dead."

"He is really dead now. Not by me, by another."

Rubbing his chin in thought, he remains still in a deep trance.

Arel: "We need to visit a witch, not just any witch, but Keturah. Come on."

Grabbing my wrists he pulls me in a completely different direction then were we came.

"She knows nothing. I do not like her."

Arel: "She will be able to give insight into your ancestry. It hopefully will explain, your non-elemental power."

Why can't I just be normal, for once.

Author's Note

Okay so a lot is happening this month. I am currently working on launching my blog at the end of the month. I hope all of you readers will check it out. Please follow me on twitter for more information on that : @sabby. I finally have worked through my writer's block so expect more updates on this story. Also thanks for all the support, comments, and votes. I love you guys! Till next time :-)

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