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   "Jesus- is there any course  I can't dominate you at??" Jeremy turned to Michael with a boastful expression. The boys were playing the old edition of Mario cart. The awkward suspicious air cleared and forgotten. It was usually Michaels favorite thing to do, he would dominate Jeremy in every race. He had been losing, and Jeremy would never let him live it down, as he had done the same to Jeremy every other time before. Truth was Michael completely spaced out. His mind could only think of the one burning statement in his mind.  He had been trying to work himself up to finally say something. Then Jeremy would just smile at him and he would lose all hope.
"Earth to Michael?? You got something on your mind or what? You're waaayyy more spacey than usual and I can't tell if your letting me win or not."
"What? No- I'm ok. Let's do rainbow road. I'm gonna crush you."
"There's the Micha I know and love."
Michael moved his controller to select the course and they flicked through the characters. Jeremy picked Daisy and Michael picked Peach. It was always an inside joke they shared. When they both were in middle school they swore that Daisy and Peach were lucky and had some kind of ability to score high. That conspiracy was quickly debunked when Rich playing as Yoshi crushed them both. They both just continued to play as the princesses in force of habit.
"Okay Peachy. Let's do this-" Michael laughed he loved the nickname. Every now and then he'd call Jeremy "Daisy" or "Flowers." Another great custom brought upon by 12 years of friendship. They started the race. As they navigated through the difficult twists and turns the sound of rain began to patter on the roof. The awkward anxious feeling from Michael lost in the commotion of Mario Kart and Jeremy loosing....again. Suddenly thunder cracked above, Jeremy jumping and nearly tackling Michael.
"Woah Jere. It's just thunder."
"Yea well- you know very well I have a fear of it."
Suddenly the fun music on the tv came to a stop and the lights flickered leaving the two of them in darkness. Jeremy let out a small yelp of fear. Michael could feel Jeremy grab onto his arm and keep a tight grip around it.
"Just breath ok? You be totally ok." Michael soothed. He turned on his phone flashlight illuminating the room with a pale bright light. Jeremy loosened his grip and looked up at Michael. Michael could feel both of them share an awkward silent stare. Jeremy suddenly and quickly letting go and sitting farther back.
"Ahem- Sorry. Just kinda instinct."
"It's fine, just don't worry about it."
      The boys spent the next few minutes with small talk and listening to the rain. Michael took notice to Jeremy pulling himself into a tighter smaller ball as each thunder sound boomed. He could tell that Jeremy was shaking slightly.
"Dude, here." Michael sighed and chuckled slightly. He pulled his red hoodie over his head and off his body. He handed it to Jeremy.
"It should keep you warm, and it's very comforting."
Jeremy gave Michael a look of surprise. Michael never let anybody borrow his hoodie. Ever. Michael loved that hoodie more than life itself, he has spent his entire middle school and high school personalizing it to his ideal design. Patches, pins, and whatnot that made the hoodie very.....Michael. And now. Jeremy would be the very first person who wasn't Michael to wear it.
" serious? Your kidding right?"
"Just take it Heere, before I change my mind."
Jeremy grabbed the red clothing, and slipped it over his head and body. It was warm, Michaels body heat still trapped inside the fabric. It smelled faintly of weed and shampoo. Kinda just like Michael. It make Jeremy feel instantly better. He felt very safe and warm. He knew why Michael liked it so much.
"Thanks...." he said smiling.
"Sure-" said Michael not making eye contact, but returning the soft smile.

Sorry this has taken me so long (for such a short chapter too oops)!! Schools been kicking my ass, I'm on break now tho- so I should get some more chapters done soon. Thanks for reading!

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