The Mission

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"Oh no! Lucy!" Emmet screamed to the top of his lungs. He ran away from the shop he and his friends hid and ran down the street of running people.
"Emmet! What are you doing?!", cried Unikitty.
"I have to go with Lucy! I must protect her!", he yelled. Emmet ran down the streets.
"You crazy man! That's where the monster is!", yelled a police. Emmet ignored him and kept running towards the hill. The large mech stomped down the streets. The road crumbled as it walked. Emmet ran faster than anyone and got to the base of the hill. He wasn't tired at all. He ran up and noticed something behind the hill. He looked and gasped. Another giant mech stood there and was so close to the house. No! Emmet ran faster and finally entered the house.
"Lucy! I'm here!", he yelled. He began to sweat. He finally found Lucy hiding under the table. The house shook.
"Emmet! I'm so happy you are here. I was so worried.", she cried.
"And I was so worried for you.", he replied. He ran under the table with her. He embraced her.
"It's okay. It's okay.", Emmet cooed. He softly stroked her stomach. Then the loud stomping from outside got so loud. The house shook violently, knocking down a lot of items. Suddenly, a roaring scream came from outside. The house was being destroyed from the mechs! They punched and ripped the walls. The bricks flew all over. Emmet and Lucy covered themselves with the table and some bricks. The house was destroyed, and they were expecting a baby in no time. Emmet and Lucy looked at the mech. Some figure stepped out of the mech's cockpit.
The black boots it was wearing walked. The figure wore a black cape, a very red dress, and a fuzzy white scarf. It was a woman. She was menacing. Her hair was black and in a tight bun. Her make-up made her look scarier than she really was. She walked up to the ruins of the house.
"Well, well, well, look what we have here.", she sneered. Her voice was sharp. She chuckled as she stared at the destruction the other mechs like hers were doing to the city. She had not yet seen Emmet and Lucy.  She walked around the ruins.
"What's this? A family house? Hehe, what have I done?", she said sarcastically. Emmet thought and finally planned to do a surprise attack on her.
"Emmet, you're going to get yourself hurt.", Lucy warned.
"Don't worry Lucy. Stay in here and I will get her.", he said. He quietly and quickly got out and sneaked behind her. As he tiptoed, he tripped on a brick. He fell flat on his face. The woman turned around and noticed Emmet.
"Who are you?", she asked fiercely. Lucy gasped and quickly got out from her hiding stop, despite when Emmet told her.
"Hey! You better not put one finger on Emmet!", ordered Lucy. She was the sharp Lucy she was before. The woman giggled. Emmet slowly got up.
"Well, it is a family living in this house. And really? What a loser. His expected wife had to save him from me." She began to laugh. Emmet got to Lucy's side.
"Don't worry Lucy. I wouldn't let anything happen to you.", Emmet whispered. Emmet looked at the woman.
"Oh! So now your going to get mad. Ha. Not until I take your wife!" Emmet shook his head.
"No. Not today! I'm not as weak as you think.", Emmet said confidently. He took a deep breath.
"Look. Im not going to fight you. I can end this in peace. You have the right to become a citizen and live a happy life. Live in peace, and in harmony." Emmet offered his hand to her as a welcome. She stood in shock, like she didn't know what to do. She held out her hand to his.
"There you go. Now, grab it and you can live with us.", Emmet said calmly. To woman smiled and grabbed Emmet's hand. Emmet smiled. Suddenly, the woman leaped into the air, sending Emmet flying away. He was hit against a wall of bricks. The woman landed next to Lucy, grabbing her. She carried her and took her into the cockpit of the mech! Emmet opened his eyes.
"Oh no. Lucy!", yelled Emmet. Emmet tried to run, but the bitter woman had slammed the opening shut with Lucy in the back. The mech left, and the others left with it. Emmet could only watch them leave with Lucy. No yelling.
"No.......I failed Lucy.", Emmet cried. He began no cry. What he had told Lucy earlier was a lie. Don't worry Lucy, I won't let anything happen to you. What have I done? Emmet had these thoughts flood his head. Emmet looked at his ruined house and the city, which was half destroyed. Many ambulance sirens roared.
"No..this can be."
Emmet walked on the remains of the house. He stepped on something. It squealed. Emmet looked down and picked it up.
It was a very soft teddy, the one that Mayhem and Benny gave in the crib for the baby. The pastel pink bear with a white bow.  Emmet burst into tears. What if he never saved Lucy. What if she and the unborn baby didn't survive? He was alone again. Emmet cried as the loud chaos in the city erupted. The mech's were gone, bit the destruction was enormous. People wee hurt and many homes were lost.
"Emmet! What happened? Where's Lucy?" Emmet looked up. Benny, Mayhem, Unikitty, and Metalbeard were in front of him. Emmet looked hopelessly.
"Guys, Lucy is gone. The villian took her.", Emmet said. Unikitty, Benny Mayhem and Metalbeard could only look in shock.
"Emmet! How could you!", Benny cried.
"You promised her that you would always protect her!", Mayhem added. They became upset and sad. Emmet didn't like his friends making him more frustrated than he already was.
"Okay everyone. Stop making Emmet more sad. He has been through enough.", Metalbeard interrupted. This made Emmet smile a bit. Emmet held the teddy bear. Mayhem noticed.
"Aww. Is that the bear?", she asked. Emmet looked down.
"Yeah", he mumbled sadly.
"Maybe a hug will make you feel better.", Unikitty insisted. Emmet stayed silent as this friends hugged him. Emmet had to think. Nothing could make him happy but knowing that Lucy was going to be okay. He gently let go of his friends.
"Guys, we have to save Lucy. Quick. I don't know when the baby is due.", Emmet said.
"I'm in.", Unikitty said immediatly.
"Me too. "Me three." "Count me in." Emmet was happy. His friends were going to help him.
"You guys are the best friends ever.", Emmet gladly said. They all giggled.
"So how are we going to save your Lucy?", asked Metalbeard. Emmet smiled. It was time for a plan.
"Benny and Mayhem, we are going to use your spaceship!", Emmet ordered. Benny was very happy.
"Spaceship!", he yelled. He and Mayhem rushed to start the spaceship Unikitty, Metalbeard, and Emmet followed into the ship.
"Extra back seats for the guests.", Mayhem said. They all put on their seatbelts and closed he doors. Benny kissed Mayhem on her cheek and started the ship. The ship flew away from the chaotic city.
"Lucy and baby, here we come.", Emmet said confidently.

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