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4 guards were around them. They held their rope. The trio were tied together and had mouths taped. They were brought to Ms. Iamevil's throne. She sat in amusement.
"Well , well, well, look what we have here. A space couple. Aww, so cute. A pirate with no body, nice. A hybrid cat thing. Cool!", she said sarcastically. She finally noticed Emmet and Lucy. Her face brightend with happiness.
"Oh! The couple I saw earlier! Aww. I bet the weak guy tried to save his wife. Aww, how romantic.", she said. She laughed menacly.
"Well, I have you all. I have somewhere special to take you all.", she sneered. The guards took them but we're halted immediately.
"Hey! Give me the woman! I have something else of her!", she demanded. The guard released Lucy from the tied trio. Ms. Iamevil grabbed her. Lucy couldn't make a noise, moth taped.
"Lucy!", Emmet cried. The tape over his mouth made it hard to hear. The rope that restrainted him wouldn't budge. Ms. Iamevil took Lucy away to another room.
The room was horrible. Their was a large hole in the middle of the room. In the hole was a hot pit of a black substance. The trio were now chained on a hanging platform above the large pit. Emmet looked down at the pit. Mayhem, Unikitty, and Benny shook in fear. The chains were so tight. They couldn't kick a leg.
"This is the fuel room. This black substance is used for fuel for our bots.
We could use some living things to power the gas.", one of the guards said.
"In 10 minutes, the chain supporting the platform will break and fall into the pit with you all on it. Then in 1 second you all will incinerate to death. The end.", he stated. The trio was scared. Emmet couldn't die like this. He still had a baby to meet.
"No! I'm too cute to die.", Unikitty cried. The guards ignored her.
"Well this is the end guys. I knew it would come. Let's hope for the best.", Metalbeard said.
Lucy woke up. Why had she fallen asleep? Was it the baby? Lucy tried to get up. No. Lucy found herself strapped to a rack. Her stomach was the only part that was not strapped. She couldn't move her arms or legs. She was under a clear dome. She realized that she had something strapped to her head. It was connected to a wire that was on the top of the dome. The room outside of the dome was white, not gray. Ms. Iamevil was standing outside of the dome on a platform. She had the same mechanism strapped on her head. She looked at Lucy in the dome. Lucy didn't know what to think.
"So, how was your nap?", she asked. Lucy tried to wiggle, but the metal straps were too hard and tight.
"Where are my friend's? Where is my husband?", Lucy asked. Ms. Iamevil laughed. Oh, they are getting taken care of. Don't worry.", she cooed in the most suspicious way. Lucy felt the baby kick again. At least the baby could move.
"What are you doing?", asked Lucy. Ms. Iamevil giggled.
"Oh, this baby. When I switch the mechanism on, it will take about 5 minutes and will absorb your traits on to me. Except for the baby, I don't want a baby." Ms. Iamevil laughed. What did she mean? Lucy became worried and angry. She wasn't going to let this strange woman ruin everything.
"Look lady! I don't know what you want! Let me and my friends out! You're the ugliest woman ever!", yelled Lucy. Ms. Iamevil stopped laughing. She was offended by the last comment.
"What?", she said. Lucy frowned.
"You are the ugliest woman ever!", Lucy yelled again. Ms. Iamevil froze for a while. This was the first time someone had called her the ugly since she was 15 years old. She stood in shock and became furious.
"That was so mean! That hurt me! Words can be the strongest weapon ever.", she cried. She stomped and covered her face in anger. Lucy was shocked that someone like her would feel offended.
"No, I mean ugly in the heart.", Lucy corrected. Ms. Iamevil froze again. She was still upset.
"Silence!", she boomed. A guard came running into the dome Lucy was strapped in. He taped her mouth.
"You never say anything bad about our lady!", he sneered. He ran out and locked the dome. She clenched her hands in anger.
"One one will understand! No one will! No one likes me. No one wants me.", she cried. She began to cry. The guards tried to cheer her up.
"My lady, it's okay. You are the most beautiful woman ever. She is just a mean person.", one of them cooed. That was the nicest voice for a guard so far.
"No it's not! You guys have never seen my face! My real face!", she screamed.
Everyone stayed silent. Ms. Iamevil took a white cloth from her dress pocket. She rubbed her face. Maybe it was because of the tears. She rubbed for a few minutes. She took of the cloth. The piles of make-up was stained on the cloth. The utter shock on Lucy and the
guards was unbelievable. Her face....oh god her face.
It was melted skin, it looked like breaking fondant. Red and large dots scattered on her face. She had no eyebrows and her eyelashes were non-existent. She had no lips and a large scar was visible. She was disturbing and ugly. A guard fainted at the sight. Lucy was the most shock she had ever been in. Ms. Iamevil looked around and was guilty.
" Hazel Green Cassidy. That's my name. I was a beautiful girl. My hair was long and flowed with the wind. My face was clear, smooth, lips visible. I was very happy. I had many friends at school and lots of boys liked me."
Hazel was 7 years old. She had lots of friends over at her house and they put on make-up and painted nails.
"Hazel, you don't need make-up. You are beautiful just the way you are.", her friend said. Hazel smiled.
"I remember when I was 11, 3 boys from our science class fought for me. One won.", Ms. Iamevil continued.
Hazel and her 10 friends watched as 3 handsome boys fought on the dirt.
"I want Hazel!"
"I'll die for Hazel!"
"No! I do!"
"The one who said he'd die for me. He won. His name was Lloyd Garcia.
He walked up to me and took my hand. My friends looked so happy. He was dirty, but handsome under that dirt. I had met my true love.", Ms. Iamevil said. She smiled. Her saggy skin went up with it. Some guards had to closed their eyes. Lucy, however, payed attention.
"Lloyd and I became friends and best friends. Then one day, it all changed. It was the most magical day ever. It was the day before our first day of high school. I was 14. We we're on our  100th date at the city's park. We sat under a cherry blossom. He said it. I love you. I cried and we kissed for the first time. People around us cheered. It was the best day ever. After that day, we visited each other often. We always hung out on lunch at school. We were known as the cutest couple at school.", Ms. Iamevil went from very nostalgically happy to nostalgically sad. She hung her head.
"A year later. I was 15 and he was 16. I was at his house. We were hugging and spending time on the bed. It was romantic until a loud screen was heard from downstairs. We passed and heard.
Fire! Fire! It was his mother. She screamed and ran around. Lloyd looked outside the window. It smelled awful. Smoke was covering the air. The roof of his house was on fire! His mother and father slammed the locked door open.
Lets get out of here!, his father yelled. Lloyd grabbed me from the bed and we ran down the hall. It was hot and smoky. We were going down the stairs until we realized the stairway was completely gone. Flames ate the wood and covered pur way. The roof on the top was slowly collapsing. Lloyd found a small ladder across the hall and brought it.", she said.
"Mom and dad. I will hold the ladder. You get down and run out of the house!", Lloyd ordered. He held me ladder and his parents got down.
"We will wait outside baby!", they yelled. Lloyd looked at me. We were sweaty as the house got much hotter.
"My Hazel, climb down baby.", he instructed kindly. I looked down. I was scared. I wanted to stay with him.
"No. I want to be with you. I'll never lose you.", I said in tears. He hugged me.
"Please Hazel. I'll jump down after.", he said.
"No!", I cried. The roof behind us collapsed the fire rushed from the hall and coming at us. He looks at the fire and at me. We looked at each other and kissed with our wet lips to make me feel comfortable. His kisses always helped.
"I will die for you." He held me and threw me far from the top. I stayed silent in shock and heard a loud explosion once I hit the ground. The roof collapsed. I was unconscious. What had happened? The flames touched me. Hurt me. Hated me.", Ms. Iamevil looked at the distance. She felt her face. She looked heartbroken.
"I don't know how long I was unconscious. I woke up at the hospital. I lay on the bed. One of my legs was broken. I looked at my arms. They were very red and full of cuts. It was painful. I was greeted with a headache. What happened? My parents were in the room. They were crying very hard. A nurse was talking to them. I couldn't hear very well. I only had one thing in mind. What happened to Lloyd? Suddenly, my parents came to me. Their eyes full of disgust and sadness. They told me that my Lloyd had died. I remembered his line, I wi die for you. He did. I wanted to cry right away. I couldn't move. I couldn't scream. Something was wrong with my face. I couldn't cry. The nurse came to me. She looked afraid. She had a mirror. I was curious so I looked. I regret it, so much. I looked like the ugliest thing on Earth. Hideous. Horrific. My new face would have killed Lloyd. I looked like a monster. It wasn't me anymore.", she continued. Lucy felt horrible. She had insulted someone who had lost herself. Her love of her life. What have she done?  Ms. Iamevil paused. She softly rubbed her face. The down her face.
"After, I would never what to look at my face. It would break the mirrors. I didn't go to school anymore. My parents would walk with me. I was on a wheelchair. Kids would look at me and cry. People stared. Animals ran away from me. The whole world hated me now. I tried to be kind. My mom told me that I can be beautiful on the inside. I tried. No one accepted me. They were too scared to touch me. My 16th birthday was the worst day ever. My friends didn't come. They weren't my friends anymore. They didn't want to be with a monster like me. I was all alone. No more Lloyd. Only my parents. Would Lloyd still love me like this? Time passed. I was homeschooled and graduated from home college. When I was 22, I began to put on layers of make-up. I was becoming beautiful again. My self-esteem was rising. I moved out and made a business. I sold cakes. At 25 I was rich. I stopped selling cakes and I moved far. Then I built my lair. I decided to become who I am today to make people feel like me. I bullied. I hit. I judged. I changed my name, Ms. Iamevil. " Ms. Iamevil was done. She took deep breaths.

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