Ms. Iamevil

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Lucy gasped as she tried to break her restraints. Her arms were strapped tightly and so were her legs. She could feel the baby softly moving. Lucy looked out of the cockpit window. They headed to another dimension. Far from where she lived. "Where are we going? Let me out!", Lucy asked fiercely. The woman was silent.
"Where are we?!", Lucy yelled. The woman finally facepalmed.
"You are so annoying for a new mom. Look, just shut up.", She said. Lucy was becoming angry. She grabbed a stick from behind her with her mouth and threw it at the woman. It hit her head.
"Ouch!", she yelled. The mech wobbled and stood still.
"IM GOING TO HAVE TO SHUT YOU UP!", yelled the woman. She cut some strong tape and taped Lucy's mouth. The woman smiled.
"Much better." She proceeded into going to her lair.
"Agh! It's too fast!", yelled Unikitty. Benny kept going into the dimension.
"Hold on everyone! We are going to get Lucy.", Mayhem reassured. Emmet didn't care. He would do anything to save Lucy. Anything. Benny finally made it into the dimension. The ship was going smoothly.
"We're here!", announced Benny. The dimension looked scary and gray. How could anyone want to take Lucy to this?
"Oh, it looks so sad.", Unikitty commented.
"Next stop, Lucy."
The mech's entered into a large lair. The colors were gray and black. It looked like some place Batman would love to be. The mech's parked and the people controlling the mech's got off. The cockpit opened and the woman took got off. She waited until two more of her helpers came.
"Help me get this prisoner out of here.", she ordered. They looked menacing. The two helpers wore black suits and had identical grim faces. They had the same black hair and fierce tone.
"Yes my lady.", they responded. The two went to the back with Lucy. Lucy was now scared. She wanted Emmet. The helpers took of the restraints and immediatly grabbed Lucy's arms before she could try to escape. They bounded Lucy's arms to her back and tied them with cold chains. The tape was still on her mouth. They guided Lucy out of the mech and followed the woman.
"So this lady we have here is pregnant.", one of the helpers asked their master. She nodded.
"Yeah, and I'm shocked. Just who I needed.", she said. Lucy wondered why she needed her. They walked past very identical looking helpers. Lucy has never felt so uncomfortable. She didn't like it. She wanted Emmet more than anyone.
Finally, they arrived to a throne room. The helpers that detained Lucy stopped her and the woman went to sit on the large, red throne. It matched her dress. The helpers bowed and forced Lucy to bow.
"Hello everyone!", she announced. She found herself dumb when she realized that the only person she was introducing herself to was Lucy. She laughed.
"Sorry, I like a lot of attention. Anyways, hello lady from another dimension!", she corrected. Lucy frowned.
"My name is Ms. Iamevil. I welcome you to my home, the Grayson Dimension." Lucy looked around. She hasn't seen anything so depressing since the apocalypse. Lucy wanted to ask something. Why was she here? She couldn't speak.
"Oh, now what is your name, my lady?", Iamevil asked. She tried to sound friendly. The helpers ripped the tape off her mouth and Lucy frowned.
"Why do you want to know?", asked Lucy. She was upset. Iamevil  facepalmed.
"Helpers, make her.", she demanded. The men that detained her began to violently squeeze her arms. Lucy began to sweat. It really hurt. The baby was kicking.
"Now, what is your name?", Iamevil asked. She sounded like a sweet preschool teacher. Lucy refused.
"No! I will never tell you!", Lucy said. Iamevil crossed her arms. The helpers went tighter with the squeezing. Lucy was very uncomfortable.
"Tell me. I wouldn't hurt.", Iamevil said softly. Lucy sweat in fear and in force, she finally answered.
"Lucy. Lucy Brickowski."
Iamevil gasped. The helpers stopped squeezing and Lucy took a deep breath.
"Wow. What a beautiful and classy name.", Iamevil commented.
"You, Lucy. I was looking for you. I finally found you.", Iamevil said. She laughed.
"What do you want?", asked Lucy, annoyed. Iamevil became annoyed with Lucy's complains.
"I have had it with the attitude of the mom. Take her to her cell.", ordered Iamevil. The helpers taped her mouth back up and took her away into another hall.
"Huh, it's going to be quite hard to get into this lair.", Benny said. Everyone saw that most of the area was locked.
"But, there has to be a way. Lucy is in there!", Emmet said. Benny stopped the ship, causing everyone to rock.
"Woah there buddy. What is it?", asked Metalbeard. Benny shushed everyone.
"Look! Guards! We can't be seen.", Benny whispered. Emmet looked and saw a closed entrance. Despite it being closed, it was guarded by 10 identical men.
"How are we going to get in secretly?", asked Mayhem. Everyone began to think.
"But isn't Lucy tough enough to escape on her own?", asked Benny. Everyone, including Mayhem, groaned.
"Really dude? Lucy is literally 8 months pregnant. You think she can escape?", yelled Metalbeard.
"I can't leave my wife alone. What is she and the baby get hurt.", Emmet said.
"Don't give up baby. We are going to save Lucy. What would you do if I was 8 months pregnant and and I was captured? Would you save me or leave me here?", Mayhem said. She slapped Benny for his laziness.
"Sorry. I was dozing off.", he said as an excuse. Benny shook his head to come back to focus. Benny had more excuses, but decided not to say anything anymore. He took a deep breath and proceeded closer to the private lair.

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