" ivy listen... you are my bestfriend in the whole world & i just want to go head & let you know....." " Ivy get down here. me & your dad have to tell you something!!! " ivy's mom interrupted niall.Ivy ran down stairs and sat down n the couch" i'm a little busy right now so make it quick." ivy said. "sweetie listen me and your dad haven't been getting along lately and well we hate to say this but we're getting a divorce."ivy's mom said. Ivy wanted to try and betough and hold back her tears but she just couldn't " HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!!" Ivy shouted. " THIS IS ALL MY FAULT"ivy shouted again. "sweetie this is not your fault we just get along better when we aren't together, & we dont want our fighting affect you so please don't blame yourself" ivy's dad said. " I HATE YOU BOTH!!!! " ivy ran upstairs sobbing niall jumped up "whats wrong " he asked " my parents they're getting divorced." "please just hug me you don't have to tell me anymore cause i just need you." ivy said with tears running down her face. "this is THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE." Ivy shouted.