lets talk..

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As Niall and Ivy arrive at school they go to their class. They sit a couple seats away from each other and ivy couldn't help but stare at very attractive friend niall it got to the the point she couldn't even do her class work cause he was all she thought of. She couldn't help but think about niall all day & all night, but the one thing she also couldn't get out her head is what's been bothering niall & he wouldn't tell her what it was. "riiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnggg" the class bell rng, ivy wrote niall a note and gave it to him, the note said: " Hey niall i really want to talk to you, i would talk at school but we don't have enough time between classes, so come by my house sayy 3:00 it's realllly important!! sincerly ivy. " Ivy was really scared about talking to niall concdering the fact that he yelled at her earlier. Te school day went by very slow it was now the last period of the day almst time for the big talk... "rinnnng" the bell rang. ivy was th first one out the class. she caught up with niall, and they walked to her house they ran upstairs & sat down " niall i want to know what is wrong & don't say nothings wrong.!!!" Ivy stated. " ivy listen.....


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