P h o t o #21 - Kayla Appollo

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(This chapter is about Kayla's past, written in her point of view switching from flashback to flasback to show significant points in where her and Jonas's relationship take a drastic turn. I hope it isn't too confusing for any of you. Enjoy.)

P h o t o #21 - Kayla Appollo

"You jerk!" I screamed as loud as my small lungs could allow, wanting to show Jonas how angry I was with him. I ignored how much my little voice wavered, hot tears formed in my eyes. "I hate you!" I stomped my foot on the ground to show my frustration.

His voice, not yet touched by the deepness of puberty, laughed in my direction. "Jeez, calm down. I was just trying to be nice to you. I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to actually start liking me. It's your own fault, not mine." Was all that came out of that mouth that had once only graced me with politeness. And then he was gone, following the rest of my classmates back into our Junior High's building as it began to drizzle.

My eleven year old body trembled as rain began to puddle around me, or maybe it was from the white hot anger boiling in my chest. I had forgotten how badly my body was shaking in the cold end-of-February downpour.

I had been an idiot. A complete fool.

My hands balled into fists, my nails breaking open my palms tender skin. Tears silently leaked from my eyes. Not only did I confess my feelings to the first person I had ever liked, but I confessed my feelings in front of my entire grade, having no idea that they were even watching the humiliating scene unfold.

Everyone had laughed. Guffawed like there was no tomorrow, like it was the funniest thing they had seen since Buster Keaton. Someone had even picked a budding apple off of one of the trees in the courtyard and thrown it at me, where it now lay next to my pink sneakers, dull and green. I winced as I touched the lump forming on my head from the impact.

The sudden prick of pain sent sudden realization through my brain. Memories ran wild in my mind. I remembered the day he transferred to our school. I was immediately smitten with his good looks, even for a twelve year old, he was attractive in my eyes. How frivolous it was at first. I began observing him. As I watched him speed through every tournament assigned to us gym class and our school sports events with quiet ease, and even get straight A's in every subject we were obligated to take, it only fueled the fire of my admiration.

It took everything inside me to muster up enough courage just to ask for his friendship. Even though Cooper also played a big part in it just months before just as the air began to turn cold back in September.

I had taken Cooper, Elliot, and Parker, who had already been friends since kindergarten and were still going to the elementary school across the road from my school, to the park a few blocks down from our house. I decided to just sit on the bench and watch them all try their hand out in a basketball match.

But the number was uneven, only three people were playing. They begged for me to play, but I had no idea how to even shoot a basketball. Even then I was already into things more of the fashion type. Just as I was ready to refuse for the sixth time in a row, a voice piped up behind me, saving me from having to explain myself once again to the three ten year olds I was watching.

My heart skipped a beat when I turned and found out it was Jonas, though, standing tall with his usual large smile.

"I'll play with you." He said, sounding more like the big sibling in this situation.

He shot me an "It's okay, I can handle this" look with his large baby blue eyes. I almost floated back to where I had been sitting before, basically on cloud 9 after looking into those eyes of his. As my feet bounced up and down as I watched Jonas open the gate to the court, I realized that my boredness had completely vanished, replaced by a new eager desire to watch the game unfold.

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